8: Careless

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My phone rings for the umpteenth time in a row. Adam has been calling me for what seems like forever.
After is stops ringing, I pick up the phone and click on one of the voice mails.
"Iva- Please, answer me. I don't know what happened last night, I don't know if I scared you away or what- but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for whatever I did, just- please- don't push me away, kid. Please.. Call me back when you get this.."
My heart sinks. He's blaming himself..
I grab my coat, quickly walking out the door.
I sit on the bench- the bench I used to sing on, the bench I met Adam on- with my head in my hands.
I did this so I wouldn't hurt him, but that's exactly what I ended up doing. This is all my fault..
"I thought I'd find you here, kid."
My head jerks upward in hope. I see Adam standing in front of me. He sits down beside me, looking at me with sad eyes.
"Adam.." I whisper, moving closer to him. "Adam, I-"
"Don't talk," Adam commands gently. He moves his hand up to my face, caressing it gently, and then moves it to the back on my neck. He moves closer to me, pulling my head towards him.
My eyes fall shut when I feel his warm lips on mine. My hand travels up his arm, pulling myself even closer, filling all space between us.
Our lips dance together hungrily. Every fear I had last night has fallen away. He holds me close to him, cradling my face in his warm hands.
Minutes later, we pull back, resting our foreheads together.
"I've wanted to do that for a long time.." Adam whispers. I smile, reaching up to peck his lips again.
I sit back up, not breaking eye contact with him.
"Don't push me away, Iva.." He whispers. "Please.."
"Adam, there's something I need to tell you-"
I trail off when something catches my eye across the street.
I look over to the sidewalk across the street and my heart stops.
"Alex.." I murmur.
"What?" Adam asks, confused.
Alex stares dead at me from across the street.
"I have to go-" I say hurriedly, standing up.
"Iva, please, don't leave-" Adam begs, grabbing my arm to stop me. "What's happening?"
I let out a short breath of defeat, glancing from Alex to back to Adam. "Come with me,"
I take his hand, pulling him up and lead him down the sidewalk- making sure to get mixed in with the crowd of walking people. I glance back over my shoulder to see Alex across the street, looking frustrated. He must have lost us..
"We need somewhere safe to talk." I say to Adam ask we walk through the crowd. He tightens his grip on my hand as he struggles to keep up with me.
"Follow me." He says suddenly, walking faster to lead me.
Soon, I'm being led into a large apartment building with large glass doors framed with gold.
He leads me through the lobby and to the elevators. My heart is still rushing, and I obsessively look over my shoulder every few seconds.
Adam follows me into the elevator, pressing the button labeled "11".
He looks down at me as I stand there, staring at the doors, still shaking with fear. I feel him take my hand again, intertwining his fingers with mine.
Soon the elevator stops and the doors open. Adam leads me to a door a few steps down the hallway.
He pulls it his keys and unlocks the door, letting the boy of us in.
He then turns to shut and lock it behind us.
"Let's talk." He says, turning to me. He steps forward and wraps his arms around my waist.
Tears threaten to fill my eyes.
"You know.." I begin, wiping my eyes. "You know that song from the other night at the restaurant? The one about the bad relationship I had?"
He nods. "Yeah?"
"This is about that relationship." I say. Adam steps back to look at me.
"Alex is his name. We started dating two years ago. He was.. he hurt me. Both mentally and physically. I still have.. I still have scars and bruises.." I trail off, choking back tears. "He would.. he would hit me-"
  Adam steps back towards me, wrapping his arms around me again and pulling me to him. I lay my head against his chest, trying to hold back my tears so I can finish the story.
  "I finally got away from him a few months ago. I got up the courage to call the police and get a restraining order against him. But he found me.. He was in my house when I came home one day. He.. He pulled a gun on me.. I managed to get away, I knocked him out with a paperweight and ran as fast as I could. And that's one of the real main reasons I moved here. To get away from him.
  "But then he found me. Last night- at the restaurant- when you went to get us drinks. He came and say where you were sitting. He said I couldn't escape him. That you couldn't keep me from him. And then he just walked away.
"I didn't want to get you involved. You didn't deserve to be in this. That's why I.. That's why I left. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt. But then..."
I trail off, backing up to look at him.
"We were careless, Adam. I was careless." I say quietly.
"What do you.. mean?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing.
"He was there." I tell him urgently. "Across the street. He saw us. He saw us together. And now you're involved. I'm so sorry, Adam.."
Adam runs his fingers through his black hair and sighs. He looks back at me, his eyes showing pity.
I cut him off. "I understand if you don't want to be with me. We can go on like nothing happened between us. I won't be upset at all. I never meant for this to happen, really-"
"Iva, listen to me." Adam commands gently. "I'm not leaving. I'm staying. And I'm not going to hurt you or give up on you. I'm here to stay."
I smile up at him, my eyes filling with tears. I lurch forward and push my lips to his, throwing me arms around his neck.
"Thank you, Adam." I whisper as I pull back. He kisses my forehead gently.
"Anything for you, kid," He smiles.

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