Who Cares?

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*~* Jason's POV *~*

Mayla was forcing me to spend time with the jackass who stole my girl. Well, technically, I stole his girl...but that's beside the point.

We were maintaining the front gate. Y'know, smashing heads in, beating brains.

Gerard looked at me. "Man, it ain't my fault your girl wants me."

An infected reached the gate. I took my crowbar and bashed its head. Gerard grabbed my shoulder. "Dude, I'm s-"

I pushed him away. "Don't think I'm going to like you, anyway."

Gerard grinned. "Really? Because Caroline sure does. In fact, she's wanted me for years!" he spat on the ground, wiping his mouth. "You have nothing compared to me."

In a split second, my fist made contact with his face. I could feel the pressure of his teeth on my knuckles, and his nose moved out of place and started bleeding.

"Dude, what the fuck?' Gerard roared, holding his broken nose. I ignored him.

An infected neared the gate. I smashed a crowbar into its skull. I scowled as I watched its brown, hideous, fowl smelling brains fall out of its head.

I could hear Gerard's footsteps nearing me. I turned around. He gave me a wicked smile. "You wanna fight?" he removed his hand from his broken, bloody nose. In his white shirt and blue jeans he was covered in crimson blood. I scoffed.

"You don't exactly look like your up for a fight."

"Well, I don't exactly care."

Gerard trudged forward and swung at my face. I dodged. Was he seriously doing this right now?

I pulled up the sleeves to my hoodie. "It's on."

As soon as I said that, Gerard pounced on me. I threw him off. He fell to the ground and I heard a loud crack.



Mayla raised her overly-plucked eyebrows. "Why would you even fight?"

Gerard lay in a bed with his arm in a sling that Caroline made. He was unconscious. Caroline sat by his bedside, stealing a glance at me once and a while.

"Because he's an ass." I said. Mayla's features hardened. She shook her head.

"You're a grown man." she argued. I shrugged my shoulders.

Gerard stirred, and Caroline smiled. "You're awake."

Mayla glanced back and saw the look on my face. She gestured for us to give them some alone time.

"Yes, please..." I murmured. I closed the door behind me.

The hispanic girl looked at me and smiled. "It hurts, doesn't it?"

I nodded, while observing her features. Her hazel eyes were soft, her lips were full and plump. She had a nice facial structure. Mayla was really a gorgeous girl. My gaze was going down her body when she cleared her throat.

"Would I be mistaken if I said you were checking me out?" she chimed teasingly. I gave her a half smirk. I shurgged. "So, you were?" Mayla said, giggling in her cute accent.

Now, I couldn't say I was attracted to her. Her personlity was so/so; but I'm a single 21 year old. So, who really cares?

Mayla led me into the armory, where she slept. I closed the door behind me and locked it. When I turned around, she was playfully smirking at me. "We're all going to die," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck. "might as well have fun before we do, eh?" she murmured seductively in my ear.

I kissed her once, testing the waters. We pulled away, looking each other in the eye. We both knew this meant nothing to either of us. I kissed her again, biting her bottom lip softly. She laughed. "Has anyone ever told you that you're a really good kisser?"

"Many times."

"I can tell."

We stared at each other for a second, before she kissed me again. I kissed back this time. Mayla unzipped my hoodie and threw it across the room. We both laughed for a second. Gingerly, I took off my shirt. I could feel her eyes on me. Her mouth gaped open slightly.

"Stop staring, you're burning holes in me." I joked.

Mayla grinned seductivly. "But it's so hard not to."

I leaned in, locking our lips together again. I could feel her hand on my chest. My hand moved up to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up slightly.

She stopped me for a second. "Are you sure you wanna do this after...Caroline?"

I nodded.


"That was great." Mayla said, stroking my hair.

I chuckled. "It was."

Mayla grinned at me. "We should do that more often." She stood up, pulling her jeans on.

I was brushing myself off when there was a knock at the door.

"What?" Mayla groaned. Her voice was muffled as she was slipping on her shirt.

"Mayla, Jason," it was Caroline. Her voice sounded frantic. "The infected broke down the gate. They're coming."

My eyes widened. "How many?"

"Too many to count." she answered.

I sweared under my breath. "We'll be out in a second, wake up Gerard and get him ready to leave."

Mayla quickly got her things. I unlocked the door and steeped out to a crying Caroline. "He won't wake up!"

I sweared again. My week is getting better by the minute.

Caroline wiped her eyes. "I-I'm going to carry him, okay?"

"No, I'll do it." I gently shoved past her into the room where Gerard stayed, and pciked him up on my shoulders.

Caroline started to say something along the lines of 'Thank you,' but I smashed my mouth against hers. With tears falling down her cheeks she kissed back for a second. I pulled away. I stroked her cheek with my hand.

"Go get a gun and defend me."

She nodded at my command and ran as fast as she could. Mayla followed her, occasionaly lookng back to check on Gerard.

Yup, my life is great.

Living the dream.

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