Chapter One

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RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth.

You belong to you.

I own nothing, sad I know.


I walked along the dark streets of Vale, stopping for a moment to gaze at the shattered Moon and the countless stars that surrounded it like specks of dust. Speaking of Dust, that is what I'm trying to find, and find it I have.

(Y/N): From Dust Till Dawn? I swear these names get cheesier and cheesier.

I walked in, giving a brisk wave to the owner, as I began to browse the various items on display. However before I can buy anything a man, dressed in a stylish white coat and a black bowler hat, walks in along with multiple men in black suits and red shades. I eye him suspiciously as he begins to talk.

???: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?

Shop Owner: P-please! Just take my Lien and leave!

???: Shhh, calm down, we're not here for your money. Grab the Dust.

I instantly activate my semblance and become unseeable to the criminal and his goons.

Henchman: Crystals. Burn. Uncut.

I then see one of the henchmen draw a long, curved blade and approach a young girl, covered by a bright red cloak. I begin to draw my SMG and prepare to attack the man.

Henchman: Alright kid, put you hands where I can see'em.

He raises an eyebrow in confusion, as do I.

Henchman: Hey, I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something!?

He pulls down her hood to reveal a girl with black hair that goes red towards the tips and...silver eyes?

???: Huh?

He motions to his ears, trying to get her to take her headphones off. She complies, removing them.

Henchman: I said, put your hands in the air, now!

???: Are you...robbing me?

Henchman: Yes!

???: Oh...

In a split second the man is sent across the store, a 'Hyah!' is heard as the man in the white coat motions towards the girl ordering the other henchman to attack her.

Henchman: Freeze!

I decide this is the time to act, I deactivate my semblance in front of him.

(Y/N): Henchman meet window, window meet henchman.

I say as I tackle the confused man through the window. I notice that Riding Hood has joined me as we prepare our weapons, my SMG and her Scythe.

(Y/N): This is the first time I've ever seen a weaponized farming tool.

She simply smiles before skilfully twirling her weapon and smashing it into the road.

(Y/N): You probably gonna'want to say sorry to whoever has to fix that concrete.

The man in the white jacket glares at us with his emerald eyes, visibly annoyed by us ruining what should be a simple heist.

???: Okayyy...Get them!

They rush at us, I run to meet one and kick him square in the jaw and aiming my SMG at the centre of his chest before smirking and letting the dust fly, launching him away and into a wall.

A RWBY Story(Ruby Rose X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now