twenty four || explanations

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"You can leave now." Emira muttered when he set down her last bag. She was fine with him dropping her bags in the front and she could have brought them up herself. But he insisted and that was an offer to couldn't leave hanging. 

"Leave?" He raised his brow. "I think I'm gonna stay here. You look like a lonely person who needs company." 

Emira scoffed. "Lonely? I can you tell I'm not even close to being lonely."

"Fine, then name a friend's you know here." Erik crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. 

"M— " 

"— and Marc and Melissa doesn't count." He interjected. Erik watches as she curses him in a hush tone. He knew that she was friendless here and made it as a chance for him to get to know her.

Emira was a strange girl who didn't have a filter and shocking that she hated him. No girl has hated him. This was a first. 

"Pshh... That doesn't prove a thing," She snapped. "You're the one that's acting like you don't have any friends."

He seemed amused at the way she regarded him, which only made her angrier. 

"You're a very pissed off person," He revealed. "And wheres the bathroom?" 

She walks over to small dining table and sat down ignoring his question. 

"Ignoring me isn't doing anything." He sang, sitting down next to her. 

Emira looked at him pouting. "If you're going to my bathroom to check yourself out, let me save your time and tell you, you look like a monkey." 

"You have really big lips." He said, leaning just inches from her face. "Are they fake like Kylie Jenner's?" 

She fixed her brows in disgust. "Stop— Just stop." Emira pointed a finger to where the bathroom was. "Go and do whatever." 

Erik came out of the bathroom and saw Emira was occupied on her phone. She hasn't noticed him come out and he wasn't planning on her seeing him just yet. He saw a room at the end of the hallway and the door was ajar. 

Being the curious person he was, slowly walked into the room and quietly walked in. He knew it was her room the moment he walked in and the smell of strawberry hit him in the face. 

He smirked at the sight of her bras thrown on the floor and hanging on knobs. He walked in further and saw the rows of picture frames sitting on her dresser. Erik picked up each one by one and laughed at how foolish she was in all the picture. On the last one, his heart pounded in his chest and his hand was shaking uncontrollably. 

"What are you doing in my room?" Emira's voice called out from behind him. She was worried he had died in her bathroom and would have to hide his body somewhere so she wasn't accused of murdering him. But it surprised her how noisy he was, when she caught him in her room. 

He slowly turned around still clutching the frame in his hand. His face drained of blood. Her eyes widen at how pale he looked until her eyes peered to what he was holding, a picture of her and Addison.

"T—This is why you've been pushing me away." He whispered. Now it all made sense to him, Addison was the love of his life, until he had broken up with her to follow his career. He knew how much it broke her heart, but it was for the best. 

"You.. you broke up with her," She whispered, "You meant so much to here." She said looking into his eyes, letting him know that she meant it.  

"I had my reasons to."

" She loved you so much, how could you do this to her?" Emira cried out wanting to hit him.

Erik avoided her glossy eyes. "There are somethings you don't understand."

"Understand!" She jumped out of her bed, striding towards. "I watched her suffer, suffer Erik! I loved her so much, she was like sister. And you destroyed her."

"I loved her too you know." 

"But not enough to cherish her." She said. 

Erik grabbed her hand. "Where can I find her? I need to talk to her."

Her breathing hitched. Did he not know what had happen to her? 

"Erik... she... she died." 

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