twenty seven || dinner & conversations

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T W E N T Y  S E V E N  || D I N N E R  &

Emira sat across from the person she least expected to be around. But it seemed he didn't want to be here. Erik was occupied with his phone and avoided her glance by using his phone as a shield, hence how he got the picture of her.

"You said if I go to dinner with you, you'd answer my questions." Emira said, after releasing the straw from her mouth.

"Well, you're not asking, so how am I suppose to answer." He bluntly replied.

She gave him a long stare and shakes her head. "Don't you think I've tried."

Erik gives her a shrug and continues putting his attention on the device. She decides enough is enough and leans over the table, snatching his phone out of his hand. Emira ignored his protest and tucked the phone in her hand bag.

"Now we can talk."

Disappointment appeared on his face and he didn't bother to hide it. "Fine... What do you want to know."

Emira had thought hard about what to ask him but knew she had avoid asking the more personal questions. "Why did you break up with her?"

He started drawing little circles with the water that had melted from the side of his glass of water. "It seemed better off that way."

"Better off for what?" Emira tried to keep from herself creating a scene. She didn't care if she embarrassed him, she was only fearing she was going to embarrass herself. "You leaving her wasn't making anything better."

Erik was starting to get grueling, he didn't want to start off with Emira thinking he's a bad guy. It was awkward enough the way they met was slightly not normal but her being best friends with his ex just made it ten times more weird. 

"I was going to come back for her." Emira had to lean forward just to hear what he had said. 

"But you didn't, why?"

The conversation was digging deeper and deeper. 

Erik didn't know whether or not to tell her the truth. He didn't want to create any drama but that seemed a bit too late. "Her parents... her parent's didn't want me to be involved with her anymore. They were saying I was a bad influence to her and me signing to BVB, only made it worse. And before you say anything about me not fighting hard enough to get past her parents, I did. I fought so hard, but they just threatened to send her away." 

Emira was silent. She hadn't known Addison's parents were like this. They had seemed like the most amazing, supportive parents in the whole entire world. But for them to threaten Erik like this was in no shape or form, supportive parents. 

She hadn't fully changed her opinion on Erik but she knew she was going to have to let it go. Addison was gone and Emira knew she would have wanted her to let go of any anger towards him. 

"C-can you tell me how she..." Erik's voice was quivering and couldn't bring himself to say the p word. 

Emira paused. Did she really want to tell him? Too much had already been said and it was already overwhelming for the two of them. 

"Maybe another day." 

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