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J: Halllooo fresh gang!


J: Today I'm bringing you another prank.

Background sound: Yaaaayy


J: It was requested for me to do a hickey prank on Huey. So here it is my children.

J: Ok so as you can see I put some makeup on my neck to make it look like a actual hickey. Just some dark eyeshadow and a little bit of lipstick.


J: *walking to her car* So... Huey and I are actually going out to go get some papers for something we big we ordered. I told him that I would pick him up from his place so this will be the perfect time to prank him.


J: *puts cellphone on stand* I'm just gonna leave my phone sitting right here on the stand because I always put it here when I drive so he's not going to suspect that it's recording..hopefully.


H: *gets in* You sure you don't want me to drive.

J: Nah.. That's ok can drive.

H: Ok. Whatever.


J: *driving*

H: We're just getting the conformation papers and going home or are we gonna go somewhere else?

J: Uh can we stop by Mr. Freeman's place after?

H: Why?

J: I miss him! *turning*

H: Spare me.


H: Jazmine?

J: Yessum?

H: What happened to your neck?

J: *raises eyebrow* Nothing? I don't think..

H: No, it's not nothing. What the fuck is that?

J: Ok hold on.. I'm driving we're almost there let's just continue this when we get to where we're going.

H: *keeps looking at her neck*


J: *puts car in park* Ok. Now what happened Huey.

H: Why is there a hickey on your neck.

J: I don't have a hickey.. *looks in the mirror confused*

H: Then what is that?!

J: I think It's a burn.

H: Yes the fuck you do! Jaz I swear to God- *rubs his face* How do you THINK it's a burn?


H: THAT?! That is not a damn burn! You know what- *gets out*

J: *waits for him to walk of a little bit* *whispering* OOP. OOP. OOP. *grabs her phone and runs out the car* Huey! Huey!

H: No man! Get the fuck away from me!

J: Bae look! *jumps* Look..It was a prank.

H: Are you serious?!

J: Yes! *laughing* Wipe it off.. It's makeup..

H: No. *walks past*


(both back in the car)

J: Ooo!! I got him!!

H: I hate you.

J: That's ok. I still love you!


J: Anyways, the big news was thaaat.....HUEY AND I ARE MOVING IN TOGETHER!!!!

H: 😒

J: So lemme just get these makeup wipes and wipe this off before I go in the place to get the confirmation papers for our new bedroom set.


J: Kiss me so I can end the video.

H: *kisses her cheek*

J: *quickly* Catch you on the flip side. *puts phone in her lap*

(black screen)

J: Huey I hope you're not gonna be like this all day because this prank isn't as bad as when you faked being dead.

H: Yeah whatever.

J: I'm not trying to-

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