Put Flesh

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Then we hear a scream. We ran and only to find that...

Sakuragi was dead...


Sakuragi's death was the tip of her umbrella through the throat and choked on her own blood after falling down the stairs. When Kouichi and I saw the sight, I found it hard to breath and blacked out.

Kouichi caught me and held me close while freaking out about the scene. We reported to never speak of it again. That blood... It reminded me of my mother... who died when I was three.

I was walking to a restaurant, just after my appointment at the hospital, so I could read my favorite Novel (f/b). I ordered a (f/s) with a tall glass of (f/d).

"Your order will be with you shortly" the waitress smiled as she walked off. Only two pages into my book, I spot Kouichi with another girl with short brown hair and brown eyes.

Lucky for me they sat at the opposite side of the room, not noticing me. Honestly, I was angry yet sad that Kouichi is on a date with someone that's not me- WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THAT!?!?

"Here you go miss" the waitress placed my order. Thanking her, I ate my meal and drank my drink and kept on reading. I did keep an eye on them quickly then went back to my novel. I placed my bookmark and stood up. I paid my order and walked out the door. Only a few steps out and I hear my name being called.

"(y/n), wait up" I stopped my steps as I let Kouichi catch up. "Why were you in that restaurant just now?" he asked. "Relaxing, after Sakuragi's death" I said, clearly angry. "What's wrong (y/n)? Why are you angry?" I stopped.

"Life, I am pissed about life okay, I wish people stop asking me about my past and I hate the fact my dad still thinks that I have forgiven the bloody bastard" I yelled as he looked at me, shocked.

"Sorry, just got a lot on my plate" I sighed as he pats my head. "That's okay, just worried about you that's all" he said as we walked in silence. I sigh, preparing my courage to speak. "So Kouichi, how was your day so far" I asked awkwardly. "A little better when I saw you" he blushed.

Then I saw him stop, in front of a truck that was holding sheets of glass. You could slightly see your reflection in it. "No way" I hear him mumble while raising his hand. "Hey, look who I found" I hear a voice.

I turn sideways to see Aya Ayano waving at us "Hi Kouichi, (y/n), you two lovebirds skipping school?" she smiles. I blush at her words. "No, I just came from the hospital" Kouichi rubs the nape of his neck while hiding the fact that he's blushing. All she did was laugh.

"What about you (y/n)" she looks at me as I sigh. "Trying to relax after the accident" I crossed my arms as she laughs more. "Makes sense" she commented. "What about you, are you sick" Kouichi asked as I roll my eyes.

"She acts sick when she is not" I foiled her plans. "Yes, I am, *coughs*" she fakes it while holding her chest like she is in pain. "You are quiet the actress aren't you" Kouichi smiled.

God how I love that smile. "I hate to say it, but I am happy you think so" Aya laughed. "I am glad to hear that Aya, after all your hard work" I said with a fake smile, let's just say that my father's wife taught me acting. "What, what club are you in" Kouichi asked as she says one of Shakespeare's famous lines.

Kouichi figured it out after that. Knowing that she is in the Theatre Club. "That's right, with Izumi" she said as Kouichi repeats her name. A felt a ping of anger when he did that but let it slide when he asks who she was.

"The girl with the two ponytails who always glares at you" my sweat dropped as Aya laughs. "She's right, but it doesn't make her a bad person" Aya defended her.

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