A Kiss in the Snow

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*post-richenbach  one-shot for my friend Charlie :) little fluff/angst in the snow. I know BBC did it differently but this is my johnlock version so carry on! Side Note: this isn't all that good but eh, i hope you like it!*


I walked up the path to his grave quietly, alone. Snow was falling softly to the Earth, a thin layer of white already covering the ground. I had my hands stuffed in my coat pockets, one hand holding a rose, the other a gun. I kept it with me at all times, but today I had a reason. I cleared a spot on the ground in front of the dark black tombstone and stood in front of it, head down. "Sherlock." I choked out after a moment. "I uh, I came one last time to tell you.... Gosh Sherlock I miss you so much. And I wish.." I wished a lot of things. That I saved you, that you were still here, that I told you I loved you.... but I never did. And now you're gone. I breathed in heavily before continuing. "There is a reason I came today Sherlock. I came to tell you goodbye. I guess," I laughed darkly, warm tears falling on my cold face, "I guess this is my note." I swallowed back my tears and looked up at the headstone. I could almost hear Sherlock saying my name as I pulled the gun out of my pocket and looked it over. "I just can't stand being away from you I suppose. You know you always said sentiment was idiotic and now I guess I know why." I laughed darkly and closed my eyes. "I love you Sherlock Holmes." I whispered, and brought the gun up to my head.


I squeezed my eyes tighter shut. I felt the gun being ripped out my hand, and I opened my eyes, intending to yell at my supposed 'savior'. I stopped when and went wide eyed when I saw the face of the man holding the gun.  A man in a long dark coat and black suit stood in front of me. He had dark curly hair and the most astounding eyes in the world. Sherlock Holmes stood before me, thin, teary-eyed, and very much alive. I dropped to my knees in the snow, pressing my fists to my eyes. "You're no real, you can't be, you're dead, no, no, no."  i mumbled quickly, tears falling freely now.

"John?" he dropped to his knees beside me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Oh John what have I done to you?" he breathed in his baritone voice, wrapping his long arms around me. "John I'm real, look at me John I'm right here."

I looked up and met his watery eyes. "Sherlock" I sobbed and buried my head in his chest, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. "I- I thought you- we-were d-dead" I sobbed out.  He held me closer, running a hand through my hair.

"John I am so very sorry. Please, it's alright I swear. I had to keep you safe John, I had to protect you all. It's ok now I swear, I promise." he tried to soothe me, his voice broken and soft.

I nodded and wiped my eyes while he helped me to my feet. He placed a hand on the side of my face gently. I leaned into his touch, staring at him.

"I love you." I whispered, begging him silently in my mind to not hate me, to not be a dream.

His gaze softened. "I love you too John Watson." he whispered.

I sobbed in disbelief and smiled through my tears. He grinned back and leaned forward, softly pressing his lips to mine. I kissed him back, arms wrapping around his neck tightly, pulling him to me. He pulled away after a moment and smiled. "Let's go back o Baker Street." he suggested, untangling himself from my grip and holding my hand instead. I nodded and smiled at him. "Let's go home."

Johnlock One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora