Sugar Rush

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* another wonderful idea from my friend Charlie!!!! kid!loclk- Sherlock gets a sugar rush for the first time in his life and he and his best friend John mess with Mycroft and his friend Greg. Just a bit of fluff because I  can, pretty much no real plot. I may try and write in third person, so bear with me if it is horrible.*

John laughed at Sherlock's confused expression when he offered him the candy. Sherlock Holmes, in all his 10 years of life, had almost never eaten sweets. However he took the candy and tasted it experimentally. His face lit up as he ate, a grin forming on the young boy's face. John laughed and handed him a few more pieces.

"I suppose that means you like it then?"

Sherlock bobbed his head happily, causing John to laugh again.

Sherlock ate all John's candy quickly, then jumped up. He grabbed John's hand and started trying to pull him up off the ground. He gave up and then ran toward the flat, waving his arms like a bird, his dark curls flying off his forehead. John laughed before following him, chasing his best friend up to his brother Mycroft's room. He had his economics partner Greg up there with him, as they had a project due soon. I followed Sherlock as he burst in the room

. "Hey Mycroft whatcha doin?" he asked, holding his hands behind his back and staring up at his brother. Greg smiled at him and ruffled his hair; Mycroft, however, rolled his eyes.

"Working. Brother dear, why don't you and your... friend go back outside and play hm?" Sherlock frowned and stuck his chin out.

"Not unless you and Graham come too!" he insisted, stomping his foot quietly.

Greg laughed and looked up at Mycroft, eyes pleading. Mycroft sighed and looked between the two before his shoulders slumped forward and he hung his head.

"Fine," he groaned. Greg grinned and ran after Sherlock and John, a little overly excited. The three started playing ball in the back yard, making Mycroft fall when Greg kicked it to him. He sat on the dirt dumbfounded while the others roared with laughter.

Around 30 minutes later they were playing hide and seek. Sherlock, John, and Mycroft were hiding from Greg, and eventually John crawled into a cupboard with Sherlock.

"He nearly found me so I ran to you." John explained. Sherlock nodded and pulled him in, moving over slightly so both boys could fit. They grinned at each other sleepily; the sugar was wearing off. Mycroft and Greg found them about 15 minutes later, John's head on Sherlock's shoulder while Sherlock's head lolled against John's; both boys had fallen asleep in the cabinet. Greg grinned at Mycroft before pulling John out gently and carrying him upstairs; Mycroft followed, cradling a tuckered out Sherlock Holmes in his arms.

****** as I said, plot less kid!lock fluff. Hope you enjoyed, and thanks again to Charlie for the great idea!!!********* 

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