A Slow Dance at 221B

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*idea I came up with last night;  teen!lock. Sherlock lives with Mrs. Hudson. (SIDE NOTE: I love the character Mary Morstan. However, for this to make since I had to make her into... well a bit of a jerk. In this they aren't like the show so it's fine. ENJOY!!!!)*


 I knocked on the door impatiently. After a moment Mrs. Hudson opened the door. "Oh hello John dear, he's upstairs doing one of his little experiments but you can go on up." she smiled and moved aside to let me in. I grinned awkwardly and walked swiftly upstairs to Sherlock's flat. I tugged at the bottom of my jumper awkwardly, almost regretting my decision. I huffed and opened the door, walking to where I could hear Sherlock moving about in the kitchen. He had things strewn everywhere across the table; papers, charts, a few books, odd ends and pieces of bodies. Normal things for Sherlock Holmes.

"Hellos John." he mumbled, not even looking up from his work.

"I uh, assume you got my text then?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yes. Pick out a song I'll be with you in a moment."

I frowned. "I didn't even tell you what I was coming by for, all I said was I needed a bit of help."

He rolled his eyes. "The school dance is tonight and since you've been dating her, you're obviously taking Mary, yes? Now, seeing as the only coordination you have is on the sports field It's only logical you've come to see if I know how to dance and would be willing to teach you. I am, so, go pick out a song." he said quickly, not even looking up at me.

I huffed, impressed, and walked over to the sitting room. I chose not to mention that after I had texted him I split up with Mary. We had had problems recently and when I found out she had been lying behind my back I had ended it. I walked to the old dusty record player Sherlock kept in the corner, along with a few old records. I flicked through them idly before pulling out a dusty Beetles record. I smiled and put on 'Hey Jude'.

Sherlock walked in, a small smile playing around his lips as he extended his hand to me. I rolled my eyes but placed my hands where he said nonetheless. I blushed and shuffled awkwardly.

"Don't look at your feet, John, just move as I do." he said quietly.

We moved around the room easily; Sherlock was a  surprisingly great dancer. He twirled us around the room, a small smile on his face. I laughed lightly and grinned back at him, staring at his shocking eyes. They seemed to dance as we did, almost changing colour. I heard the song coming to a close but I couldn't bring myself to pull away. I could feel his fingers lacing with mine as he grinned down at me.

"Excellent footwork John." he mumbled, a smirk on his face.

I grinned. "Shaddup." I murmured jokingly, resting my forehead against his. He grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist sheepishly. I stepped closer and closed my eyes, sighing a little in contempt. I heard a little squeak at the doorway and smirked; apparently Mrs. Hudson had come to check up on us. I looked up at Sherlock and rolled my eyes. I kissed his nose lightly before stepping back some.

"Again?" I asked, grinning.

He smiled. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

*short bit of senseless fluff but oh well. Hope you liked it :) *

Johnlock One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें