the miracle worker.

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Soo, some readers have been asking me who brought Jada back. This is sad but still, is true.

Jesus P.O.V

"So, who brought Jada back? I know I'm Jesus and I know everything. But I don't seem to know whom did this." I said.

An old woman stepped out from the crowd of Angels, her wings flaking a little.

"I did. I just didn't want her dead at such a young age. I can see her being something great in life. So I got the shockers and brought her back. I don't think the paramedics tried enough either." She said, I recognized her of course. She was Jada's grandmother. She passed away 2 days ago from a heart attack and Jada doesn't even know.

"Well I appreciate what you did Rose. And Jada will be something great in life. An actor to be exact. But next time do not mess with life and deaths." I smiled.

She smiled also. "Yes Jesus. I wonder when their going to tell Jada the news." She asked.

"Tomorrow. Her parents are coming home to tell her, they won't stay for long. Their just planning the funeral and then going back to work. They won't go to the funeral sadly, they won't be able to make it. But Jada, Lesane, and Freddy will go." I answered.

"Well, I hope she can take it. Jada was grandmas spoiled baby." She cried.

I went and comforted her. "I'll let you see her soon." I said.

Short chapter I know. I'll be updating soon.

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