the prank continues...

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Lesane P.O.V

It's 7:45, and I'm skipping school to stay with Jada. My mama won't find out, I'm sure of that. AndBilly I don't really care if he finds out. I'm on my way to the hospital to pick her up now, she gets out today. Now I can take her to these places. I walked onto the hospital and signed her out, a few minutes later they bring her out with her stuff.

"Here's her medicine, it's for her brain." He said, handing it to me. "She needs to take 2 every day." He added.

I nodded and took Jada and we went to my car. I helped her inside and shut her door. Then I went over to the drivers seat and got in, starting up the car. I started driving to Avenue.

"Don't kids your age have school in a few hours?" Asked Jada.

"School already started for me. I'm just skipping so I can take care of you." He said.

"Awe, that's nice. But why would you want to take care if me? We don't even know each other." She said.

"That's a question you should try to answer yourself. Think hard." I said, pulling into parking lot. I got out and helped Jada out. Then I walked up to the building and paid for us. We walked and sat down.

"This Bowling Alley doesn't look familiar to you? This is where we first met. I remember I was here with my boys and you was here with ya girls. We was at Janelle 15th birthday party. You don't reject that at all?? I was trying to flirt with you, I beat you in that game. That was something I can never forget I can't believe you don't remember that." I said.

Jada laughed. "No, I honestly don't remember this.. what's your name again?" She asked.

I sighed. "Just, um.. just call me whatever you like. I don't really care anymore. You're not gonna get your memery back ever, so what's the point of going through all these places just to see if you do." I answered.

"I'll call you sane." She smiled.

"Great." I said, I was being sarcastic. "Well c'mon, you can at least come to school today. But we still have to drop by your house so you can get some stuff. You staying at my house for the rest of the week.. or longer." I said.

We got up and walked to the car and got in. I went straight to school. I had already had my stuff, and she had hers. Why not? We made it to the school and we got out and went in, skip the tardy slip.

"Ok well, I'll show you around.. Were in lunch right now. Are you hungry?" I said.

"No, you can just show me around." She said.

Jada P.O.V

This is kinda boring, yet fun. Its sweet how he does all these attempts to get my 'memory back'. I don't think no one would ever do that for me. As we were walking Michael came towards us. How am I suppose to act.

"Wassup bestfriend." He said, giving me a hug. "I heard about your fall, are you ok?"

I hugged him back awkardly, im not suppose to know him right? "Umm hi? What fall??" I asked.

"Mike, when she fell.. she kinda went lost in her memory. Soo? Yeah." Said Lesane.

"Ohh.. OH! I see. Ok, well I'll talk to you guys and.. gal. Later, bye." He said, and walked away.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"One of your bestfriends, his name is Michael. That ring on your fnger is a representation of y'all friendship." He answered.

"And whens my birthday?" I asked.

"September 18, you were born in 1971.It's 1987 just in case you wanted to know." He said.

"So I'm 16??" I asked.

"Yes. Now please stop asking questions." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

He showed me around the wholee school. Then we went to our remaining classes. And schoolwas over. We went to my house and packed some clothes for the week. Now were at his doorstep. He got out his keys and opened the door. Only to be caught by his mother.

"Lesane where have you be-"

"Not now mama, I have to get Jada situated." He said, shutting the door.

"Jada?! Jada P. The one who i said I dont want you seeing nomore?" She asked.

He nodded. "But ma, she lost her memory. I dont want her to burn her house down becuase she forgot how to use the stove or something!" He said quickly.

She gasped. "She lost her memory? What did she fall or something?" She asked.

He nodded. "Now can we just go upstairs so I can get her stuff put up?" He asked.

She nodded.

He started up the stairs. "C'mon Jada." He called.

"Ok hold on." I called back. I walked up to his mother.

"Um, Ms.Afeni?" I asked.

She glanced up at me. "How do you know my name??" She asked curiously.

"That's what I have to talk to you about. Can we go outside?" I asked.

She nodded and we went outside, she shut the door.

"Ok, what are you saying now?" She asked.

"I'm saying that this is all a joke, well prank. I'm pranking Lesane. I never lost my memory. I'm still Jada. It's just all a prank." I said. "A comeback or whatnot." I whispered, rubbing the back of my neck.

She chuckled. "Oh, so this is some kind of sick joke on my son??"

"No! It's not even like that. Lesane... nevermind. Can you just allow me to do this? Please?" I asked.

"Fine." She said.

"Thank you very much Ms.Afeni." I said.

"I respect you for telling me that Jada. I thought you really lost yo memory." She laughed.

I laughed too. "Even if I did forget my memory. I don't think I could ever forget your son. Or any of the memories we've shared." I smiled.

"hat's sweet. Y'know I kinda like you now. I thought you were a bad girl. Running the streets, causing my son to get bad grades, even skipping school and persuading him to go with you. I thought you were the one that persuaded him him to go to Georgia so that he could see me with his father. I was scared when he said he was moving out. So after yall got out that hospital I thouhgt it would be... beleivable if I told him it was all your fault. So I made him break up with you and don't talk to you again. But it didn't work. He loves you Jada.He would talk about you all the time when he got home. Or when we went anywhere for that matter." She laughed. "He'd try to call you every chance he had. Then every argument yall got in he would walk around the house saying he 'fucked up' again. He's never been his serious about any girl, ever." She told me.

Well, I was officially speechless. I didn't know he cared that much.

"How long is this prank going on?" She asked.

"A week. Well, 4 more days." I said.

She nodded. "Alright, I'll keep my mouth shut. But he has a bad temper, so when you tell him make it funny like." She said.

"Ok, Ms.Afeni. Thankyou." I said.

"You can come to me anytime Jada. I've thought very wrong about you. If you need anything, it even wanna talk, I'll be here." She told me.

I smiled. "I'll keep that in mind." I said.

We went back into the house and walked upstairs to the Guest Room. He was just finishing up with my clothes.

"Where was you?" He asked.

"I was downstairs talking to your mother." I answered.

"Oh. Well, that's your bed as long as you're here. All your clothes and stuff are in that dresser, or in the closet. Electronics are on the nightstand. Yeah, that's about it." He

"Thankyou. I took a shower at the hospital. Soo, in just going to go to sleep now." I said.

"Ok, ok. Goodnight." He said, and he walked out, sitting off the light.

I got into bed and closed my eyes. After a few minutes I was sleep.

(( 2 hours later ))

BOOM!! CRACKLE!! (A|N Lol, I think that's funny.)

I jumped out of bed and heard it. It was thundering and lighting. Horrible storm on outside. It started thundering really loud and I was scared. So I got my pillow and went to Lesane room. I grabbed a flashlight also and turned it on. When I walked in he was asleep. I didn't wanna wake him so I headed back for the door and le-

"What you doing in here?" He asked, getting up.

I turned back around. "Well, as you can see it's a horrible storm out there. And I was scared, sooo would it be a problem if I slept in here with... you??" I asked.

He made some room on the bed. "Mhm, just uh try and go back to sleep. We got school in 4 hours. Time pasts by fast." He said sleeply.

I got into the bed and pulled the covers over me then shut off my flashlight.

"Thanks." I said.

"Yeah, yeah just..sleep." He whispered.

And that's what I did.

I just woke up, and their going to sleep :/

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