dinner... date?

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Jada P.O.V

Lesane, and I, along with my parents and Lesane parents, are all dressed up, heading to the dinner were supposed to be having. Kenny's mother said he couldn't go  even though she said he should be there before 7 -_-. After about a few minutes of driving, we pulled up to this beautiful restaurant called McDonalds. Lol, I'm just kidding, it was called "Floral." It was so pretty. We got out and walked to the front door, where a man came out and held the door open for us.

"Thank you." I said as I walked past him. My mother stood at the counter and nodded. 

"Reservation for Pinkett." I heard her say.

I looked around the restaurant, it was tables around the restaurant then there was a big dance floor in the middle.

"Hey." I heard Lesane say next to me.

I shifted in my seat. "Hi Lesane."

"Sooooo, you don't fuck with me no more or something?" He asked.

I chuckled. "I still do, I just don't like Dominique always there when I try to do things." I replied.

"You know ion like that Kenny kid right?" He asks.

I nodded.

"So why you hang with him?" He asked.

"'Cause he's a great friend, I like him." I said.

"Oh." He shrugged. My mother came and told us to sit at the booth we were reserved for. I had to sit next to Lesane because my mother and father say in one side and Lesane parents sat on the other. So Lesane and I had our own booth right behind them. Well this isn't how I imagined it would be. I took out my phone and texted Kenny. I'm bored.

"Who you texting? Lesane asked as he glanced at my phone.

"Kenny." I said.

"Jada, its a dinner... date. You can't put that phone down and talk to me while you here?" He asked.

I sighed and put my phone in my satchel. I shifted in my seat and faced Lesane. "What would you like to talk about?"

"Why you been ignorin' me?" He asked.

"I haven't been ignoring you, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Eva since Kennya-"

"Kenny." I corrected him.

"Kenny came aroun' you been hangin' out with him 24 damn 7 and ain't been even talking to me." He explained.

"Well because when you and Dominique started 'dating' y'all completely ignored me, and when I was traveling to The Philippines our plane stopped in Paris and I met him there at a  restaurant as my waiter. Then when I was on punishment  and y'all left me at the hotel while y'all went to eat, and Kenny was there with his mother. Annnnnnnd we got closer basically." I told him.

"Oh. Well th-"

"Jada! You look beautiful!" Kenny smiled as he made his way to our booth and sat down, greeting our parents. He was in an all black suit, which matched with his black and silver braces, he was quite a sight <3.

"Hey Kenny, you look handsome also! How'd you get here??" I asked. 

"My mother finally let up, I'm still grounded though." He shrugged. 

"Well you're just in time." I said.

"Glad I co-"

"SO Jada, can we finish our conversation or is you gone ignore me again?" Lesane said, interrupting me.

"Lesane for the last time I wasn't ignoring you." I said. I faced him again and took out my phone to text Kenny.

"Jada put the phone up." Lesane simply said.

"Ughhh, why??" I asked.

"Because I'm talking to you, thats rude." He said.

I placed my phone back in my satchel.

"So Lesane, where's Domini-"

"Right here!" The restaurant door opened and Dominique walked through. God she looked like a mess, her hair wasn't done, she had on that short dress. I wouldn't be suprised if her ass was showing *rolls eyes*. She had on some black pumps, where the hell is her mother?? She came up to our booth and looked at me.

"Excuse me you in my seat, rise up chick." She snapped.

You know what? Im not even finna say nothing to her. I got up and sat next to Kenny. Its amazing how our booth got filled that quick. 

Our waiter came to take our drinks, he went to the back and got them filled then he came back, I sipped mines lightly.

"So Jada is y'all two dating?" Dominique asked loudly. 

I sighed. "No Dominique, were not."

"Why you gotta say it like you got a prablem?" She asked.

"I'm not saying it like I have a problem." I said.

"Yes you is." She said.

"No, Im not." I said.

"Yes you is." She said again.

I did not reply this time, and I won't reply to her, unless she's really aggravating me. Which is inevitable. (<-- look it up.)

A few minutes later the waiter came and took all our orders, then he went back to the back. 

"Why is you hereeee?" Lesane said to DOminique out of the blue. Huh? I thought he invited her?

"Im just sittin here till my date come.." She answered.

"He sure as hell need to hurry up.." He said.

"Well here he is now." She smiled and got up, when I turned around you wouldn't BELIEVE what I saw.. this fucker. Why is he here?!

The drama is here, well its been here but its more lol. I'm getting back on my update a lot status :) Aye, why am I not gaining followers? Follow me. Please.

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