Good-Bye Chi'Shin

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~~3rd POV~~
Kokuryo woke up in her old room. She looked over and saw Yona sleeping in her bed. 'She is so KAWAII!! I forgot how cute Yona is!!' Yona yawned and woke up she looked over to Kokuryo and saw her surrounded by flowers and sparkles. Yona sweatdropped. "Umm... Kokuryo shouldn't you pack so we can go?" All of the glitter and flowers around you disappeared and you walked over to you closet which was empty with only a bag. "Yona I am always prepared for trips. I take tons of missions so I have to be prepared." Yona was amazed but nodded. "What's in the bag Kokuryo?" I smiled. "Toiletries, clothes, medicines and food of course. Maybe 4 pairs of clothes. Two for you and two for me. You need more than one pair of clothes. One armour and one for regular day or disguise." Kokuryo smiled. Yona looked at her and smiled too. Hak opens the door. "Umm.. All of Chi'Shin want to say goodbye to you Kokuryo? Did you leave all your people like that last time you went on a job?!" Kokuryo looked to the sky and twisted her foot. "Noo..." Hak sighed at Kokuryo and her behavior. "You better say bye now before we leave. I am pretty sure all of Chi'Shin is in front of the palace." Kokuryo just stood there while Hak was getting angrier by the minute. "Well are you going to go out and say goodbye?!?" Hak gritted out. Kokuryo glare at him. "Well I am not going out to the people of Chi'Shin in my robes and me and Yona cannot change with you in here." Hak had a slight blush and walked out cursing under his breath.


We were all in the castle near the door that leas to the outside. Kokuryo came up to me and was in the most beautiful kimono. It was black and blue. It was really short but she had leggings on. "You ready Kokuryo?" Hak asked. She nodded but when we went outside there were a crowd of people luckily Hak and Yona had there hoods up. Hak grumbled under his breathe. Before he could say anything Kokuryo interrupt. "People of Chi'Shin I have another mission I truly don't know when I will be back but I hope it is soon. But I will miss all of you. Good-Bye for now and I hope to see each other in the near future." She said and walked through the crowd. There were lots of people crying and lots people seem happy and proud. There were also a lot of good-byes and so longs. Once we got to the forest and nobody was in sight she looked to us. "So where shall we head now?" Yona answered. "We should go to Ik-Soo."She nodded. "It has been a while since I have seen him." She smiled nostalgically. And we started to head out in complete silence.

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