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Her real name is Charlie Blackwell, but for her whole life she thought that she was Kristal Brown, a girl with a common name, who lives in a common city, who attends to a common highschool and who has a common family. But one day when her father had an accident her whole world fall down on her,and she discovered that her life is not that common after all. Her parents never told her but she was adopted, and not even in the traditional way, she was found on a crime scene. A little girl covered in blood, surrounded by dead bodies. Kristal's father had a friend, a really rich one, that helped the Browns to adopt that little girl without any scandals, or too many questions. And now I wanna tell you her story.

I' I'm not gonna tell you, who I am, maybe you will figure it out on your own. 

This story starts when Kristal was 19...well it actually starts before she was even born, but we gonna skip that part, for now at least.

Louisiana, New Orleans
August 20th 2038
When Kristal was 19 her father had a car crash and she was the first one who arrived at the hospital, Jhon needed a blood transfusion so she volunteered. Usually father and daughter have a blood match, but clearly Kristal couldn't know that her blood would've never match. Before the transfusion starts, a nurse took Kristal's blood to test it,  just to be sure that it was compatible. And when the nurse came back with the results Riley had the shocking news: her father wasn't her actual father and she wasn't one of them,

-there must be amistake-

-I'm really sorry, but...there is no mistake...and I'm afraid that if your father won't have that transfusion soon, he might...he might die-

the nurse concluded her sentence with a sorry look. Those kinda of things are never easy to say. Kristal has been always a really strong kid and growing up she just got stronger, but that day, it was impossible stay strong, she never liked cry or despair -just like her mother-, but that day it was really hard not to cry, not to despair. She never been a religious one, she actually thought that prey is useless, 'cause if you want something to happen you make it happen, you don't prey for it. But that day she did prey, she would've done anything to have her father back, even knowing that Jhon wasn't her her biological father she couldn't love him less, in fact Jhon raised her, feed her and gave her a home unlike her biological father whom leaved her when she was just a little girl. But on the other hand now she really wanted to know who her biological family was. After less then half of an hour Mary arrived, Kristal's mother, the girl wanted to ask her about her birth parents but that moment wasn't really the right moment with her father's life on the line.

Luckily the blood bank was near to the hospital and they had a match for Jhon's blood. After 20 minutes the blood arrived and Jhon had the transfusion he needed, so the doctor told Kristal that with some rest and the right attention he would recover in a really short time. When everything calmed down, Kristal took a deep breath and a lot of courage

-Mom...I need to ask you something-

-What honey?-

Mary said back  while she was wiping the tears of her face

Am I adopted?

the mother shelled her eyes and a weird wrinkle appeared on her forehead


The Nurse took my blood for the transfusion but it wasn't a match...

Mary was speechless, but Kristal really needed an answer, it wasn't easy face that situation for nether of them. Mary took a deep breath and she waited a couple of seconds are...when you were a little girl your father found you...

Before she could even end her phrase Kristal stopped her and with a scared look on her face she said

-found? w...what do you mean by found?-

Mary sighed with a disapproved look on her face, and a thousand of different scenario appeared in Kristal's mind  

-Kris is not really fair talk about this without your father, we will talk about this later-

Kristal tried to argue but Mary didn't let her.

I am not one of themDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora