3) After 5 years

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Louisiana, New Orleans
February 15th 2039
It was a rainy day in the city of New Orleans, the drops of water fell from the sky like they were finally free after a long imprisonment, and each drop formed a circle on the floor of water that the 3 hours of rain created. Lincoln was watching outside at the drops of rain getting shoved against the window by the wind. He was waiting, almost eagerly, the arrival of his younger sister. Last time he saw her was about 5 years ago, just before she settled in Chicago, and for a security propose they minimized phone calls and messaging, only occasionally he would call her on a burner phone to update her, but 'till that day no important news.

Finally he heard the knock, so he slightly smiled, and then ran to to the door to open it, moved from the door to let her in and then shut the door behind them. They looked at each other, she then dropped her beg on the ground -with that flood she choose to go directly at her brother's place-, either of them knew exactly what to say, even after only five years see each other was pretty overwhelming. They've been best friends, almost inseparable since they were kids, always looking after each other, always perfectly in tune with the other, almost like that weird telepathic thing that twins have.
And then he finally smiled and said

-Hi Riley, not much of an holiday with this weather uh?-

That joke made both of them burst out laughing,followed by a long hug, one that both of them needed, even tho none of them was really a hugger.

-I'm really happy to see you again sis...-

Link said vaguely, with a smile on his face, and he was happy but at the same time concerned because it was dangerous for them having contact.

-so don't misunderstand me but...what are you doing here?-

Ended the phrase with a tone that was in between sacred and puzzled, because knowing his sister he imagined that she would either punch him in the face, or just kill him with her eyes.
But she actually just looked very confused, blinked twice and then spread her arms and said

-what do you mean "what are you doing here?", you called?-

She replied with her confused tone, that typical Now-I'm-seriously-lost tone.

-I called to update you, not to tell you to come here, you know this- he waived his hand between them to indicate the meeting -is not suppose to happen-

Link said like if that was absolutely obvious. And it kinda was.

-you know, Liv told me the same thing-

She rolled her eyes and then she walked straight to the couch shuffling her feet like she does when she is annoyed.

-Than she is definitely more clever than you are. You did so much to become invisible, you are suppose to lay low...-

And she stopped him right there, cause she was tired to hear always the same thing, things that she said first, 5 years ago. So she quickly get up and with an almost angry looks she said while waving her hand

-its five years that I'm laying low, I'm sick of it. And maybe, just maybe he even stopped looking for me-

Link looked at her with that sorry face, almost pitiful, he wanted that to be true but he perfectly knew it wasn't

-That is never gonna happen, the man who is looking for you is the CEO of a company experimenting on people, people with powers-

He was quietly saying when Riley tried to stop him to argue, but he didn't let her so he raised his voice to overpower hers

-and you are the only one outside the company and the government to know everything about that, which make you a serious danger-

She gave a disapproved and dramatic sigh and sat back on the couch. She felt so useless, she wanted to do so much but able to do so little. In that moment she was debating whether or not tell him what she saw thinking. She took a deep breath and said with a hopeless voice

-Exactly Lincoln they are experimenting on people like us, 5 years ago I promised myself that I would've save them, how am I supposed to do that if I'm hiding-

Hearing those words he almost freaked out, he was scared Riley would do something stupid, something that would get her killed.

-What the hell are you talking about, you are not suppose to do anything-

He took a deep breath to preorder himself to what he was going to say, he did not wanted to hurt her but better be clear

-I don't want to be rude, but you- indicate her with his finger -you don't stand a chance against them, so if you don't wanna die drop it-

She sadly sighed and didn't said a word, she knew, he was right, and only a miracle could save her species.

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