The Runaway

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Hope you like it written by dusty the dragon my best friend please don't fprget top vote and comment!!!



“You'll be alright mum. I know you will.” I said. She was recovering from heart failure and was making good progress. I smiled halfheartedly. The last few weeks had been hard. Mum looked up at me and grinned. She could win over millions with that grin. “Pheo,” she whispered, “be happy and enjoy your life be cause without it you have nothing.” I nodded modestly unsure of what she meant. She must of noticed because she grasped my shoulder and made look at her. Our eyes met and I saw how pale she looked. “Pheo,” she said again, “there is something I have to tell you.” Tears formed in her eyes and I realized that she couldn't go on. “It's okay Mum.” I whispered. I held our hand as she started sobbing violently. Her face contorted with pain and she screamed out. I called for Dad and as I heard rushing upstairs Mum lay still. She wasn't breathing. I bent over her trying to remember how to do hands only CPR when Dad rushed in. He stopped when he saw her and he took out his mobile and called for an ambulance.

Two hours later I was allowed to see Mum. Her body was cold and I wrapped a blanket around her in the hope that it would give her some warmth.

Then I remembered.

I sat in the chair beside her with my legs tucked up and as the night crept by I slowly cried myself to sleep.

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