Chapter 1

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skylar in picture^^^
Skylars  pov
I hummed a quiet tune, thoroughly cleaning all of my moms supplies for the third time. My mom has Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)She was diagnosed with breast cancer  when I was 12, but it was a stage 1 and the doctors were quick to take out the tumor before it spread. They said she was lucky. I let out a tiny scoff, remembering that just two years later she started getting sick again. We were worried that she got another tumor, and she did. But not the same. This time it was AML. A extremely rare cancer that is in blood, making it so white blood cells aren't healthy. From then she went through chemo, radiation, and a stem cell transplant. The doctors said that they could keep doing chemo after that, so we did. That was a year ago, and she has shown no signs of getting better.
"Sky?" I heard my mom, Isabelle, ask from her isolated room. I instantly stopped what I was doing, washing my hands and made sure not to touch anything as I walked in her room. "Yeah momma?" I asked softly, instantly noticing the blood drizzle down her nose. I grabbed a sterile tissue, whipping it softly. "Thank you love." She spoke faintly, giving a weak smile. I glanced at the timer, noticing it was time for her meds. I tried giving one back, helping her sit to take her medicine. I put a pillow behind her frail form, as she has gotten very weak. Making the doctors put her on bedrest.
She said that she didn't want to live in the hospital, so we set up a clean room in our one bedroom apartment. I slept on the couch in the living room. A nurse came when I went to school, so my mom wouldn't be alone in case anything happened to her. It was rough, not going to lie. But all I wanted was for my mom to be happy. So what if I didn't go to lame party's, or to the mall on the weekends? I didn't need that, I just needed to be where I was needed, with my mom. She didn't deserve this, so whatever I could do to help her, I did it.
Washing my hands once again, I pulled out the correct medications, putting them in her hand. They were new trial ones that were supposed to help. Helping to bring the water to her chapped lips, she swallowed down the pills. I threw to paper cup away, helping her lay down once again.
"Shouldn't you be at school." She asked me worriedly. I shook my head. "Teacher work day." I stated, glancing at her bruised arms. "That's weird, didn't they just have one on Monday?" She interrogated accusingly. I shrunk slightly as she caught on to my lie. I looked down at the floor. "Skylar, I appreciate all that you do, but your only 15. You need to get a education." She stated sternly. I nodded, this being one of many conversations on this topic.
"I know...I'm just worried." I said, pulling the blanket back over her skinny body. She sighed softly, bringing a fragile hand to brush against my cheek. "I know, but I'm going to be ok." She said.
I didn't believe her.
Cheyenne, a nurse in her late 20's then walked in the room. "How we doing today?" She asked with a smile. "It's a bad day." I said with a frown. Cheyenne gave mom a sympathetic look. "Let's see if I can do anything." I sighed as my mom shooed me away, seeing as she now had someone to take care of her, giving me no excuse to not  be at school now.
"I love you." I told her, kissing her cheek then gave Cheyenne a small smile on my way out of the room. From there, I took off the paper apron I wore and threw it away, revealing my White and black plaid shirt, second hand ripped jeans and black vans I've had for 4 years.
I haven't grown much since I was 11. I stood at 5' 1", and only weighed just over a hundred pounds. I had long wavy  brown hair, pairing with dark brown orbs, something I must have got from my dad. My mom has blue eyes, and used to have blonde hair before chemo. I did get her nose, and a small clef on my chin.
We are both quite alike in attitude. Mostly soft spoken, but can be sarcastic and silly if we want. I don't know much about my dad, mom said that he died before I was born. After that conversation, I didn't ask much else about him.
Grabbing the apartment keys, a plain black hoodie, and my used backpack, I was out the door.
The San Fransisco air was breezy, as it is October. My school was about a ten minute walk away, and I was already late. The streets were pretty barren since most people were either at work or at school. I decided to take my time, not really wanting to be at school.

I already excelled in most of my classes. I studied probably too much in waiting rooms, so I was pretty good in school.
The only thing was that I didn't have friends, I didn't have time for them. I kind of always stuck to myself.

I was ripped out of my thoughts at a honk. I stepped back in wonder, seeing a car waiting impatiently for me to cross the street. I crossed quickly as he let out a few more honks then speeding away quickly. I rolled my eyes. "Today's going to be a great day." I mumbled sarcastically, quickening my pace.

Isabelle's (skylars mom) pov
I heard the front door close softly. Pain surrounded my body, as I looked at Cheyenne. "How long?" I asked. I knew I was getting worse, not that I let skylar believe. She gave me a sad look. "According to the recent tests, witch aren't always completely right..." I shook my head, I've heard that line over and over. She sighed, "A couple of months, I'm sorry." She said softly. I felt tears fall down my face, sniffling. "What about skylar?" I asked, imagining my baby girl all by herself. She didn't deserve this. Cheyenne looked at me reassuringly. "Well, there's your parents right? And I don't know if you can, but her birth father. If none are available we have excellent placement options." She said. More tears fell. My parents passed away last year, and I didn't want skylar with random strangers.  I exhaled lowly, knowing what I had to do.
"Cheyenne, can you hand me my phone? I need to talk to someone."

Thanks for reading!!!

Song For Isabelle (Vic Fuentes daughter fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora