Chapter 5

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Vic's pov
I sat in my car, staring at the wheel. I...had a daughter. A beautiful 15 year old daughter, that I never knew about. And part of me was sad, angry even, that Bella never told me about her. But, from her point of view, I could see how she thought it would be good for me. Not that I didn't hate the fact I missed out on Skylar. I couldn't believe it.
And I felt bad. I knew it wasn't my fault, because I didn't know about her, but I still felt like I failed her.
I missed out on all those birthdays, the first day of school, all of it. But I promised myself, no matter what, from now on I would never miss another important thing in her life. She at least deserved that. I looked back at the door , not wanting to leave. The way she looked at me when I told her I had to leave was heart breaking. And when she thought I was never coming back, I could have sworn that she looked devastated. How can I just...leave?After finding out something this life changing?
My phone rang, stopping me from getting out of the car and going back into the apartments. I picked it up, seeing it was Mike. How in the world would I explain this to him. Or the rest of the guys? What about my parents? And how the hell do I tell all the fans I have a 15 year old daughter?
I sighed, finally deciding to answer the phone. "Hey Mike." I said stressfully. What's wrong?" He asked instantly. I paused, maybe I shouldn't tell him yet. This isn't really something that you could say over the phone. But, it would be easier. "Vic?" I clenched my eyes shut tightly. "Uh Mike..." I started, then paused. How should I start this. It's going to change his life too, maybe not as much as mine, but he will be her uncle after all. "Oh god Vic. What happened? Did she-" I cut off his worried babbling. "No, nothing bad." I cut him off. At least I didn't consider it bad. It was really surprising and going to be extremely hard but it wasn't bad.
"Well then why do you sound so weird?" He asked. I looked back at the building, then glanced back at the steering wheel. "Well uh." I let out a sigh. I how was this going to affect the band?
"Your scaring me." I heard him say, then a distinct "what's wrong?" From his girlfriend Alysha. I tried shaking off my nerves, knowing one way or another he was going to find out. "It's just, your a uncle Mike." I spat out before I could change my mind. It was silent over the receiver before Mike bursted out into laughter.
I furrowed my brows, confused at his outburst. "Uh, what's so funny?" I asked. He let out small chuckles as he answered. "You just saw Bella again in like 15 years, and you already did the dirty? You slut." He joked. He thought this was my way of telling him I got lucky?
"I'm serious Mike." I said a little agitated at his lack of seriousness towards the subject. "You mean you didn't use a condom? Damn Vic I thought you were smarter the-" I let out a groan at his amused tone. "Goddamnit Mike. Bella was pregnant, that's why she left in the first place. And I just met my daughter for the first time and you can't even be grown up enough for me to tell you that I'm a father to a 15 year old and your her uncle." I snapped over the phone.
His chuckles quickly stopped, as he didn't say anything. I bit my lip, awaiting his reaction. "are you serious Vic?" He asked. I nodded, forgetting I was one the phone. "Yeah, suprise." I said dryly.
When he didn't say anything else I started getting worried. Was he angry? Was he sad?
"Wow." He finally said. That's it? That all he could come up with? I just told him the most life changing news, and all he could say was, "wow"?
"I coming home, so could you tell the guys to meet up at my place in the morning so I can tell them?" I asked.
I heard Mike let out a sound, before answering with a question. "You mean your just going to leave Bella and your guys' daughter? What the hell is wrong with you?" He exclaimed. I ran my hands through my hair, getting annoyed. Why was everyone asking that? Of course I wasn't going to be a dead beat dad!
"No! I'm going to be there for them. But I need everyone to know what's going on, plus I can't just force myself into there life's. Not that I could if I wanted to." I muttered the last part underneath my breath.
"What do you mean?" He asked, obviously hearing what I thought was a quiet comment. I groaned a little, not wanting to answer. How could I tell him Bella was dying? He loved her like a sister. And now, after just getting her back after all these years, I knew that he was going to be as shattered apart as I was.
" I'll tell you when I get back." I answered, hanging up the phone before he could ask anymore questions. I gave one last glance at the building that held two of the most important things to me, before putting the car into gear, and leaving before I could change my mind
"You...have a kid?" Jaime asked slowly, the next morning. All the guys shown up at my place, and I quickly explained the situation to them, leaving the part out of what was happening to Bella. I nodded, looking between the three of them. Mike, who already knew, just looked at the other two. "And she's you and your high school lovers?" Tony asked. "Yup." I confirmed, popping the 'p'
"Are you sure?" Jaime interrupted, making me frown. "Excuse me?" He let out a sigh, looking at me sympathetically. "Are you sure that this Bella chick isn't just saying that this kid is yours for the money? We've gotten big Vic, and I just don't want to see-" instead of me, Mike quickly interjected.
"Bella's not like that." He stated, looking at him daringly. He held his hands up in surrender, muttering a small "ok". But I couldn't believe that Jaime could think that about Bella. He was one of my best friends. "Well, shit." Tony muttered, looking like he didn't know what to say. "How are we going to tell the fans? Better yet, how is this going to affect the band?" Jaime asked. I shrugged, not really knowing the answer. Honestly, I was pretty surprised. I would have thought that Jaime would have taken it the best, and welcomed Skylar into the family with open arms.
Mike looked at me, seeing that I was clearly upset. "What's she like?" He asked, wanting to know more about his niece. I frowned. "I wasn't there for a long time, but from what I gathered she's a lot like her mom. Extremely smart, strong willed, beautiful." I finished the short list.
"Yeah, those obviously came from Bella." Mike stated, laughing. I rolled my eyes, not able to keep the smile off of my face.
"When can we meet her?" Tony asked. I pursed my lips, not really knowing myself. "I'm not sure. It's going to be a work in progress. But hopefully soon." I finished, trying to bring light into the subject when they all pouted.
Jaime still looked pretty suspicious, but I knew he was just trying to look out for me, but once they all met Skylar I knew that they would love her.
I looked at the time, seeing that Skylar most likely just left for school, remembering that I promised Bella that I would pick her up.
"Well, I'll see you guys. I gotta go." I said, leaving the house. I packed a couple of clothes, as the long drive was killing me. I'm just going to have to stay in a hotel for a few nights once I got there. Nothing that I'm not used to.
I knew that somehow, I was going to have them moved down here. I couldn't make this drive all the time, plus that small apartment wasn't big enough for them. It's something I'll have to bring up to Bella.
With that thought, I was on my way back to San Fransisco to see my daughter.

Hoped you liked it!

Song For Isabelle (Vic Fuentes daughter fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora