Chapter 2

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Skylars pov
I awoke the next day, exhausted. My mom acted really strange when I came home from school. Most of the time I knew my mom pretty well. When she hurt, she always subtly clenched a hand on her left leg. When she was tired, she read to stay awake. When she was sad, she would sleep more. And when she was angry she would bite her lip.
But yesterday, it's like she developed a whole new emotion.
She looked a ghost. Her face was pale, her eyes red. She gripped her leg and bit her lip. But yet, still had a smile on when I walked in.
Last night I was trying to figure out what happened while I was gone. Did Cheyenne tell her some kind of news? Was she getting worse? Better? Was there a new medication for her to try? What made my mom seem so different? Was she keeping something from me?
I quickly distinguished the thought. We told each other everything. Like when I told her that I tried weed in 8th grade, and she told me that she used to smoke it when she was my age. Little things that made a big impact on our relationship. She would never keep something from me.
Would she?
I sat up, tiredly rubbing my eyes. Not so gracefully getting up from the couch, tripping over my own feet. I groaned quietly, getting up. I walked to the small kitchen, and then washing my hands. I then put on the paper apron, and walked to my moms room. This seemed to be the usual routine in the morning. She laid sound asleep. I glanced at the little monitor the hospital gave us. The only thing that showed me my mom was still alive.
The consistent beating laid away my fears, as I turned away. I took the apron off, and walked over to the small dresser that held my clothes. Our apartment was small. As said before, we only had one bedroom. That was my moms, to make sure that it was sterile. I slept on the couch that sat in the middle of the living room, the front door just off to the side. In front of it and against the wall sat my dresser, holding a old boxy t.v. That played few stations. To the left was the kitchen, and to the right of the couch was the balcony. Then across my moms room was the bathroom.
I grabbed a plain grey sweatshirt, black leggings and my undergarments to the bathroom. I stripped, noting that I already took a shower the night before, hence the curly rats nest on top of my head. Usually I brushed it thoroughly before bed to made it seem less of a mess, but with all the tossing and turning last night it was back to its usual frizzy self.
I groaned, and changed quickly. Then put my hair into a quick bun. I didn't bother with makeup, who was I trying to impress? And left the room, but not before grabbing my dirty clothes and threw them into the hamper for when I do laundry.
I then walked back into the living room, peeking in to check on my mom once more. Still asleep. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, mumbling a 'I love you.' And turned to leave, but paused as I saw her phone make a beeping sound. Curiosity washed over me as I grabbed in from the side table. Mom wouldn't mind, I usually have to read her text to her anyway.
But this, this was different. I furrowed my brows, reading it over.
"I still can't believe this...but I can't wait to see you and catch up! -Vic"
My mom stirred as I clicked out and put down the phone. I speed out the room, putting my shoes on. Cheyenne walked through the door as I stumbled and tied my laces. She smiled brightly, but I grabbed my bag, giving a quick smile back. I was still very confused. I walked out the door with one question on my mind. Who's Vic?

Vic's pov:
I smiled as I quickly sent a text. "What's got you so...smiley?" Mike asked grumpily, clearly hungover. We had a party to finish off the tour last night, and he got a little to...exited. I rolled my eyes as he clenched on to his coffee.
"Remember Bella?" I asked. He furrowed his brows slightly. "Uh, from high school?" He asked. I nodded, smiling once again. We were all close. Mike loved her like a sister. They were in the same grade and best friends. Once her and I met, we fell in love fast. We dated for two years. It was when the band first started, when all of the sudden she had to move. I never knew why, but after that she only texted me a couple times after that. But it's been quite a while since she last texted me before yesterday.
"Yeah, apparently she's in San Francisco. She wants to meet up." I stated. Luckily, we just got off tour, so it won't be to hard to go. Mike smiled through his head ache. "Man I've missed her." He said, taking a long drink. I nodded in agreement, exited to see her too.
She left so suddenly, I still wonder why. "So, when are you to going to catch up? I want to see her." He asked. I thought about our conversation last night. For some reason, she sounded a little...different. But it's probably because we are both older. Nonetheless, I was so surprised and exited for her suggestion the see one another after almost sixteen years.
"We agreed on today, around one." I said. If I was honest, I didn't sleep last night. I was kind of nervous to see my first love after all this time. What if we were different from who we remembered? Or if it was awkward?
What even was this? Just a friendly catch up, or more?
"That was fast." He said surprised. I shrugged, not really paying attention. "Yeah I guess." I said, throwing my shoes on. I had to be going soon. As I grabbed the keys and walked to the door mike stopped me. "Hey Vic?" He asked. I turned around questionably. He hesitated for a minute. " careful. You got bad after she left, I don't want to see you like that again if this doesn't work out." I bit my lip, then shook my head.
"It won't." I said matter of factly. He sighed, looking down. I groaned internally. "I'll be fine mike, I promise." I said, opening the door and leaving.
Everything will be fine. Great now. I have everything I've ever wanted besides her. And now I can have it. I repeated to myself the whole drive there. Everything will be fine.
Hope your liking the story :)

Song For Isabelle (Vic Fuentes daughter fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora