Chapter 3

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Vic's pov
The drive to San Fransisco was pretty restless to be honest. I want to be there now. I couldn't believe how much I missed Bella. Through all these years, all the music, the concerts, the fame, I never forgot about her. She was my first love after all.
When she left, it's safe to say I broke apart. I got depressed at how suddenly she left. So, I poured everything into the music. And it took a while, but the band finally got big. With a few adjustments, we took in a new bass and guitar player, and we got more and more fame. Bella always believed that I would become famous. She said I would change the world.
She was so supportive of mike and I, so when she had to leave all of the sudden it was a shock to us all.
I finished the last few words to my song. Sighing happily, I flipped the notebook and turned to Mike. He was on the phone. I ignored him, glancing at my own and seeing I had a text. "Hey babe...can I come over?" A foolish grin grew on my face as I sent back a quick "of course."
Just then mike got off the phone, jumping up in excitement. "You can't believe what just happened!" He practically yelled. I gave him a look to tell me.
"The label just called...where getting signed Vic!" Shock overwhelmed, but I quickly got over it. We got signed, the band might actually make it. "Holy shit!" I yelled, jumping up as well. Is this really happening? Do we really have a chance? A chance to do something, change something?
There was a knock on the front door, making me run up the stairs knowing who it's was. I flung the door open, seeing a distressed Bella. Her eyes were kind of red, and she wore baggy clothes. Something was wrong.
But I knew what would change that.
"Baby, you cannot believe what just happened!" I gently pulled her in.
"V-Vic I have to te-" she paused, so I continued. "We got signed bell! The band got signed. We could make it big!" I almost exclaimed. Her eyes grew wide, wrapping her arms tightly around herself. "Wow Vic, that's...that's great." She said, biting her lip. I nodded enthusiastically, pulling her to me and giving her a kiss.
"It's fantastic!" Then I remembered. "What were you going to tell me?" I asked with a smile. Her face paled slightly, as she glanced at the floor. She looked kind of...nervous. I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Belle?" I asked. She jumped slightly looking up at me, then her face grew to a smile. "It's not important...but Vic, God I'm so proud of you!" She said, as we kissed once again.
A week later she moved away.
End of flashback
After that, we texted everyday. Then every other day, until we didn't talk at all. Until now that is.
I smiled as the GPS said I was only a block away. I turned down a street, seeing a old apartment building. So this is where she's been all this time.
Shutting the car off, I quickly locked it and checked my phone. Unit 203.
Whipping my hands on my pants, I grabbed the Carnations, her favorite flower, and quickly walked up a flight of stairs.
Unit 201, 202, 203. I let out a breathy sigh before knocking on the door twice. It took a minute before a brunette in scrubs answered the door. This wasn't my Bella. Maybe she gave the wrong address. I was quick to apologize. " I'm sorry I think at the wrong p-" She gave me a smile. "Are you Vic?" She asked. I nodded, kind of confused. "C'mon in. I'll show you to her room." She said, opening the door wider for me.
Still very confused, I walked in, seeing a very small living room. The couch had a blanket lazily sprawled across making half hit the ground. The old tv on a used half open dresser. Why's there a dresser in the living room?
"Right this way." The nameless lady said. I followed her to a small hallway, everything starting to get cleaner. But instead of going into another room, she brought me to a bathroom. "If you could wash your hand and put this," she held a paper apron up. "On that would be great." She said, grabbing he flowers and heading to the little kitchen.What in the hell? Why did I have to do this?
I still complied, doing everything that she told me to do. I stepped out, seeing her stand next to the door. She silently opened it, letting me walk in. The strong smell of cleaning chemicals filled my nose, and the overwhelming feeling that I was in a hospital environment was clear. But that still didn't make me ready to see the scene before me.
Bella. My Bella, sat in a bed. Monitors hooked up, and she looked sick. Very sick. Her long golden locks were gone, her skin was bruised. Bags sat underneath her crystal blue eyes. The only thing that shown that she was still...her. She was deathly thin, and looked very weak. What happened?
My heart sunk, looking at her. "Vic." She said weakly, giving me a smile. "Bella." I almost asked, hesitatingly walking closer to her. "W-what's wrong?" I asked, taking a seat beside the hospital like bed. Her eyes moved to look into mine. I almost forgot how beautiful they were.
"I'm so proud of you."She said, not answering the question. I shook my head. We haven't seen one another for sixteen years, she looks like she's dying and she wants to talk about me. "Belle, what's wrong? Are you-" I couldn't say it. Is this why she wanted to meet? To say goodbye or something?
She let out a small sigh. "You look the same." I was dumbfounded. She was still the same Bella. Never wanting to talk about herself, but she was different. She's...dying.
"What, your not going to say the same for me?" She asked jokingly. I didn't laugh, just stared at her. Feeling almost heartbroken. "Cmon Vic, where's that sense of humor I fell in love with?"
I just shook my head, grabbing her frail hand softly.
"What's wrong?" I almost pleaded. She tightened her hand around mine, but it felt weak. "AML...I have cancer Vic." She said softly, almost seeming scared of my reaction. My mouth dropped, feeling like my heart stopped. How could...
I just got her back.
"No..." I said, getting up. Looking over at the lady in the scrubs. She nodded sympathetically. My breathing quickened, and hands got clammy. I was at loss for words. Today was supposed to be different. I was supposed to get her back. Only to find out soon, I'll never have her.
"Im sorry Vic. I know it's a lot to take in. After all these years. And I would have never wanted you to see me like this, but Vic I need to tell you something. I've kept it in so long, so that you could live your dream." She stopped to cough. The nurse helped her drink some water, then she continued. "But I need a favor from you..." She paused. I felt my eyes water a but, seeing my love so sick. "Anything." I agreed.
She looked over at the nurse, her gave her a weak smile. She clenched her eyes before looking back at me. "You know..when you first told me you got signed?" She asked. I nodded, but didn't know how that was relevant at a time like this. "Well, I was going to tell you something, but I know you. And if I did, you wouldn't be living your dream right now."
Perplexed, I looked into her eyes. What was so important that could have changed my life? The only other thing was her leaving.
"Vic...I was pregnant. And she's your daughter." My whole world froze, but not before I saw something at the door.
A girl, looking as shocked as myself.


Haha sorry.
Also, I'm think of making a set list for anyone who wants to listen to while reading this
Thanks for reading :)

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