Ch.7: Feathered Beast

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Her eyes snap open when she hears a shuffle in her room. She squints into the darkness, moving slowly so that she can quietly sit up in her bed. The only light comes from the opened window in her room, the wind bustling from the breezy and cold night air and circling around her. “Who’s there?”

Her voice echoes in the dimly lit room, movement coming from the darkest corner of the bedroom. She doesn’t know whether to move or make a run for it as she looks at the sign of movement, trying to see what it is that could be sneaking in the darkness. She blinks in confusion as a large black cat shifts away from the corner, its eyes dark and fierce as it looks her up and down. Kaitlyn gulps as she stands up from the bed, glancing towards the door, her one chance of escape. She’s about to make a break for it when she hears the large cat growl threateningly, as if it was warning her. She freezes, slowly looking back towards the cat that is now moving towards her, it’s paws about the size of her own hands patting closer towards her. She gulps as she’s unable to move, her eyes looking into the feline’s.

“Hey kitty kitty-”

The cat growls, it’s lips curling and she shakes her hands in front of her to show surrender and innocence. “I mean uh- BIG kitty… Yea, big cat-”

She’s cut off from her words when the rather large cat sits in front of her, it’s dark eyes staring into hers as it’s head then moves against her leg. She blinks in a bit of a shock, it’s fur feeling soft in her fingers as she pets it’s head. The cat feels a bit weird- almost like it’s fur is like soft feathers. She’s also a bit confused at how she isn’t having an allergic reaction to the large cat rubbing itself against her. Why isn’t she sneezing or finding it hard to breathe? She’s usually have some sort of reaction by now. After all, she is allergic to cats.

“How did you end up in here”, she asks the cat and it freezes momentarily before walking towards the window, the feline then sitting a couple feet away from the window and pointing at it with it’s nose nudging in the air towards it. She walks towards the ledge of the sill as she feels the atmosphere shifting dramatically. She begins to have a bad feeling and she turns around to face the big cat that is now low to the ground, snarling with teeth bared threatening towards her. She feels her heart beginning to beat rapidly in fear as the teeth of the cat grows jagged and pointed, the menacing look it’s giving her causing shivers of terror coursing through her veins. She watches as the cat’s form shifts into something not as cute before and she takes a step back as her panic starts to overwhelm her. What’s happening? Why is it suddenly so mad at her?!

“You’re not a cat”, she gasps as it begins to lunge towards her. “You’re a beast!!!” She screams this as the large paws of the cat beast land on her chest, shoving her and causing her to fall out of the window. She frantically moves her arms around her, trying to grasp onto something to prevent her from falling to her death. She tries to scream, desperately wanting someone to run over and help her before she smacks into the ground, but to no avail her voice barely squeaks out. She can’t even gasp for air as she falls quicker than expected, the cold wind picking up around her as her hair and clothes whip loudly in response.

She suddenly thinks of her mother’s and sister’s smile and she’s almost brought to tears at the hallucination. She can’t believe it, but she misses her sister and her mother. She hates how she couldn’t do anything to save either of them.

She blinks as she can practically feel the ground growing closer, her body still moving hurriedly to somehow stop her fall; her natural human instincts kicking in.

Now, just as she’s about to smack into the ground, she takes a good look around her, wanting the last thing for her to see to be the sky above. But, surprised and shaken, she can only see black, and now is enveloped in complete and utter darkness once again.

I posted two chapters at once! You’re welcome ;)

Have fun reading! (even though this one was short lolol)

Word Count: 772

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