Ch.10: Kookie Needs Milk

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I walk down the stairs and into the basement, my body pulsing in both anger and in need. My human form drains me, and it's so tiring to stay in such a different form all the time.

“someone looks cranky”, I hear a sarcastic response to how I look and my lip twitches when I see Jin lounging at the bar once again, his eyes set on different varieties and ranges of alcohol. I give him a look before walking over to the couch tiredly, my body retreating to its normal state. “You didn't even look at me.”

I sit down on the couch as Jin finally spares me a glance. “I don't have to look at you to know that you're tired and cranky.”

“so”, I hear a drawled voice from the corner of the room. I turn my head towards Yoongi as he stretches a bit, his dark eyes gazing towards mine. “Why are you here? Need something again?”

I scoff, but nod. “actually-”

“Kookie is here!!!!” I hear a voice shout with steps running down the stairs. My eye twitches and I don't have to look to already know who it is.

“Taehyung”, I sigh, “can you leave me alone- just for today.”

He gives me a weird look as he sits next to me, his arm draped around my shoulders as he squishes his cheek against mine. “awe my little Kookie looks so tired and hungry. Does my Kookie baby need some milk?~”

Laughter is heard all around me as Taehyung is now sent flying across the room. I feel my fists clenched as I watch him slam into the wall loudly, my teeth grit as I snarl in his direction.

“wow”, I hear him laugh, “Kookie’s got quite a punch.”

“if you just fucking listened to me-”

“has anyone seen my black box? None of my pets have seen it”, I hear Jimin ask as he walks down the stairs. He makes eye contact with me and rolls his eyes. “oh, you're here.”

“And why are you being bitchy towards me exactly?” I question and I hear Taehyung chuckles as he returns to his seat next to me. I shuffle a bit away from him which only causes him to scoot closer.

Taehyung grins as he puts his arm around me once again while gesturing towards Jimin. “he's just a bit cranky about Victoria is all. Don't take it personal~”

I raise my eyebrow and ask, “What's up with Victoria?”

“she won't really talk to me. She mainly speaks when you're around.”

“oh”, I chuckle darkly, “so you're jealous that the human likes me more? That's why you look like you want to tear my throat out?-”

“shut up”, Jimin threatens lowly and he catches a black box that's suddenly thrown in his direction. Once he's caught it and examined it, he looks towards the corner of the room to see Yoongi, who’s smirking as he twirls something in his hand.

I almost laugh in spite when I notice the object being fiddled with in Yoongi’s pale fingers, the one object that we all know that Jimin holds so dear to him.

He's truly a pathetic demon.

I watch in amusement as Jimin’s eyes widen, his fists clenching and almost crushing the small box latched box in his fingers. “How dare you-”

“still missing ChungAe, Jimin?”

I cackle at Yoongi’s teasing interruption, the ring in Yoongi’s possession being tossed from his right and to his left hand repeatedly. I glance in Jimin’s direction to see his body going tense, the energy around him growing darker as the seconds go by.

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