Part 29: Mulder

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"I honestly have no idea what to say Scully." Was all I could think of saying. "Me either except for that it is not my fault I got pregnant!" "Oh not at all!" I said grabbing her hands,"It's just are we going to keep the baby?" I cautiously asked. "Of course! Why would I end a baby's life just because we fucked up?" Scully stated, "I bought a pregnancy test to make sure, but I didn't want to use it before telling you first." "That is really sweet Scully." I said and pulled her close to me and hugged her. Then there was a knock on the door, it was Melissa. I rolled my eyes when I saw her and she glared at me like never before. "Dana Katherine Scully! I need to speak to you!" She growled through clenched teeth, "Alone!" She looked at me and I hurried out as fast as I could and closed the door. I stood outside the door for a little when I realized that I probably wouldn't be able to hear anything so I just showed myself out. Then I heard the slam of a door and heavy stomps. I was already on the sidewalk when Scully ran outside and said "Mulder! You have to go NOW!" I didn't understand what she had meant, so I stared at her with a confused look on my face. "Mulder, GO! Missy is going to kill you!" She hollered. Then it clicked in my brain, Missy had somehow found out about the pregnancy and now is going to murder me for knocking up her sister. All I could do was run so that was what I did. "RUN MULDER!" Scully yelled to me and almost immediately I heard a scream. I was going to turn around and help her but I didn't want to cause her more harm. So I ran, I ran as fast as I could back to my house.

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