Part 36: Mulder

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Scully and William were checked out and ready to leave the hospital. They were perfectly healthy. As Scully was packing up I was holding William, "When are you going back to school Scully?" "I don't know." She said taking William from my arms, "I don't know what they will think." I came to her and grabbed her shoulders, "I won't let anyone hurt you, ever." I said kissing her on the cheek. She just smiled and grabbed her bag. We walked out together and met her mom outside. "Hi Fox." "Hey Mrs.Scully, thanks, in advance, for having me over by the way." I said sheepishly. "No problem hun. Anyone who treats Dana like you do can stay any day." She smiled and took me into a hug. Then she turned to Dana and took the bags that she was holding and put them in the trunk. Scully then strapped Will into his car seat and she and I sat on either side of him. Mrs.Scully started the car and we took off, to my house. Once we reached my front porch Scully insisted on coming in with Will. So Scully, the baby and I walked to the door. Scully handed me the baby and said "When they answer I want you to hold him." I couldn't say no so I took my son and Scully rang the door bell. Samantha opened the door and screamed, "FOX! You're home! I missed you so much!" "I missed you too Sam!" She hugged my lower torso and then proceeded to hug Scully. Sam looked at me and them looked at the small child I held in my arms, "Hey, why are you holding a baby?" "Um...Sam, this is my baby. That means Scully had a baby and I am the daddy." Her mouth hung open and then she screamed for my mom. When she heard Samantha's screaming she rushed over only to stop her tracks when she caught sight of me and Scully. "Oh my, Fox." She said and embraced me and William in a hug. "Fox, he's beautiful!" "Thanks mom." I said, smiling. My mom then turned to Scully and took her in also. "Congratulations dear. I am very proud of you." "Thank you Mrs.Mulder." She responded with a smile. My mom ushered us both in and we took a seat on the couch. My father was in the kitchen and didn't even notice that I had arrived. Suddenly William stared squirming and yelping and my dad pturned around to see me and Scully sitting on the couch, tending to the baby. "Fox you're home." He nodded to me,"Congratulations Dana." He then said to Scully. "Thanks." She muttered. My mom was sitting across from is and was just fascinated by the baby. "What's his name Fox?" She questioned. "William." Scully and I said in unison. "That is a beautiful name." She whispered to herself, "May I?" My mother asked, extending her arms out. "Of course!" I said and handed her William. "Hey little guy, I'm grandma." She said, as if he understood. Scully giggled and I could see tears gather in her eyes so I reached over and slid her close to me, keeping my arm around her shoulder. As mu mother was holding the baby I took this as my time to escape and went up to my room and gathered some clothes, my toothbrush, and some other things I thought I would need. I came downstairs with my duffle bag slung around my shoulders to see my father on the recliner with William in his arms. For as long ad I had known my father he was never a "sentimental" guy. He has always had a straight face and now in that moment he had the biggest smile on his face which, I have to be honest, made me smile. I mad e my way down and took my seat next to Scully. Then, all of the sudden, we all heard a car horn which meant Scully and I had to go. "Well, I guess we better get going." I said scooping Will out of my dad's arms. "Good by Fox. Bye Dana." My mom gave us both a hug and kissed the baby on the head, "Bye little man." We smiled and left the house.

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