Part 33: Mulder

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Every single day of Scully's maternity leave I went to her house. I picked up this tense vibe though. It felt like every time I walked through to door the whole house got tense. It was mostly Melissa who made it that way, bitch. She has always hated me and I had no clue why. I figured since Scully was happy that she would be, but she wasn't. Anyway one day nobody was home except Scully and me. It was really close to her due date so we just relaxed on the couch and I tried to make sure she didn't get up. We both got a little hungry so I went into tue kitchen to get us a snack. I really couldn't find anything that looked like something Scully would enjoy, so it took me a while. I was just about to pick out a box of peanut butter cookies until a heard my name being screamed, "MULDER!" I dropped the box and ran into the living room to see a small little figure with a big pregnant belly standing paralyzed. " water broke!" She yelled and I kind of panicked. "Ok I'll call 9-1-1!" I said and ran to the phone. They took thirty seconds to answer and I immediately started talking, "Hi, my girlfriend's water broke and we need an ambulance ASAP!" "Ok sir, you just need to tell us the address that you are at." the operator responded. I told them Scully's address and they said that they will be there soon. I looked over at Scully who was on the couch in a little ball, "It is going to be ok Scully they will be here soon." I cooed. "Call my mom." She moaned and I got up to call Mrs.Scully. "Hi, it's Fox. Dana's water broke and you need to meet us at the hospital now!" I stated and hung up. The ambulance came not two minutes later and they lifted Scully onto a stretcher. A man with a clipboard in his arm stopped me just as I was going to get into the ambulance,"Excuse me sir, are you the father of..." he trailed off. "Dana Scully's baby. Yes, I am." He nodded and scribbled something onto his clipboard. The man gestured for me to proceed and I hopped into the back of the ambulance with Scully. I took her hand in mine and whispered, "You can do this, you are an amazing girl." She smiled and squeezed my hand tight. The ride to the hospital took fifteen minutes and the whole time Scully looked like she was in pain. I really wanted to help but I didn't know what to do. When we finally reached the hospital, Scully was wheeled into the delivery room and I was told to stay behind, "Sir, the delivery room is only for the expectant mother and the family." A lady, who I guessed to be a doctor, told me. "But I am the family!" I argued. "Well we still need you to fill out some paperwork." She handed me a clipboard with a mound of paper on it. I signed as fast as I could and darted into the bathroom so I could wash my hands and slip into this blue cover that the doctors had handed me. As soon as I got in the whole ordeal was over. I saw a little baby lying on a table and screaming. I ran to Scully and took her in my arms, "You did it." I whispered and then started to cry. The doctors called me over and asked me if I wanted to cut the baby's cord. I said yes and hesitantly took the pair of medical scissors they gave me. I proceeded to cut the cord of our little baby and that was when I noticed that he was a boy. A boy! I thought. I imagined of all the adventures that we would have and all the trouble that the two of us would get into. A smile was plastered onto my face when I realized all the happiness fatherhood would bring me.

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