Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When Nadir returned to the mansion after a productive day at work, he heard and saw nothing in the music room. Erik must be satiating his obsession, he thought with a sigh. This new Internet obsession was really frustrating Nadir. True, Erik desperately needed a social life… but did he really have to resort to getting one through a website? It wasn't healthy for the man to become even more reclusive by closing himself off with a computer.

The couple of times Erik had spent driving within the past two days had really looking promising. It looked as though he had enjoyed himself and would do it again. That's where he needs to obtain a social life, outside with the 'real world', not on an Internet website where you cannot see the other person. Of course, that was the obvious reason he was so captivated by it- he could go about socializing without having the threat of someone seeing him.

It was really quite an appropriate source of communication for Erik. So why can I not be happy for him? Am I really so selfish that I wish he would compose and do nothing else? No, of course not, his mind responded. That's complete nonsense. He's like a son to you, and you want him to experience everything. Every normal thing. Perhaps Nadir was simply aging too quickly, though. The Internet was the wave of the future. People could supposedly survive on it, food, and water alone and be just fine.

Relying heavily upon a computer was simply not for Nadir. Sure, he could use one at work to get things done, but that was the extent of its uses. He couldn't really understand the craze, for he couldn't relate. It makes Erik happy, though, and it helps him compose. I want Erik to be happy. That being said, I do not want him to get hurt by this. Though, Nadir really didn't know how an Internet could hurt anyone.

He shrugged and walked towards the kitchen to fix some dinner. On his way, he noticed that the computer room door was opened fully, allowing him to see inside. I wonder why Erik didn't shut the door.. He usually wants to be left alone with that contraption. Perhaps he is so obsessed that he simply forgot to shut it.

He passed the room slowly, and something he least expected to see caught his attention and made him stop walking. Erik's body was bent over and his head was resting against his arms on top of the desk. He's asleep! The man was actually sleeping next to his computer. Nadir feared Erik's obsession was getting worse. He also couldn't help but notice that the mask was obviously digging into his face because of his head's position against his arms. He must be very tired if he is able to endure it.

Nadir's lips curled upward contently as he continued to watch. He hoped his friend was sleeping peacefully. After one last glance, he carried on towards the kitchen.


Christine finished typing her email to Erik at about 12:50 am and stood from her desk. Her work shift had been long and exhausting. She left her bedroom to go to the bathroom to get ready for bed and was almost immediately approached by an alert-looking Brian.

"Great, you're here. I must have missed you when you got home. How was work?" he asked quickly but in a way that suggested he didn't really care and had other more important things to talk about.

"Um..fine.. How'd it go for you?" she asked with a yawn.

"It was fine." Brian decided it was time to get to the point. "Ok, so I've been thinking.. What if we're the ones who are wrong? I sort of went crazy this morning, only because she's our mom and is acting really irresponsibly. But she is a grown woman. She can do what she wants. Maybe we shouldn't be so hard on her."

Christine looked at him with a furrowed brow for a second before walking past him towards the kitchen so they could sit and talk. "So you actually want to apologize to her?"

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