Chapter two

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Tom ran through the forest as bullets flew past his head, his legs ached and his throat was dry but he kept running. Soon he reached a dirt road, he ran along it until he saw a sign, however he didnt dare slow down. How could he be so stupid? It had only been 6 hours and the green army had already caught him, he took a glance at the sign and proccessed the information. London, 100 kilometers away. Tom kept sprinting down the path as people yelled and shot at him, he ran about 3 kilometers until he saw a house. He slowed down, he was exasperated. He began a fast jog, until he got hit by a bullet.

Tom let out a blood curdling scream as he fell to the ground, he took a bullet to the knee. But he couldn't stop now, he pulled himself up and began to run as fast as he could while limping to the house. He reached the front door step and knocked two times, he could hear someone coming while a gun was loaded. Toms vision became blurry, and his breathing slowed. Before Tom passed out he fell into the arms of a man with thick eyebrows who was screaming at another man to get Todd and a medical kit.

((I was on a ski trip while I wrote this so don't judge me because these are short))

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