Chapter 4

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„What the -," I feel someone licking my shoes, but how can I feel this? Am I bare food? I look down and see a dog, a big dog. I touch its golden, smooth and soft fur and see how my touch does him or her good. But whose dog is this?

It's not usual for Manchester to have alley dogs. I stand up, look around, trying to find the person, who this dog might belong. This is weird! Did this dog just run away?

I look back to the ground to see where Théo and this strange dog are or rather what they are doing. But... Where is the dog? Where is my dog? Hello? Hello? Is there somebody?

„Hello?" I ask repeatedly. This can't be real. „Théo?" I turn around, spinning like a mad woman, but there is no one. I look up at the sky and see how it darkens more and more, looks like it's going to rain cats and dogs. With chattering teeth I go around, calling the name of Théo, hoping he'd run to me and jump into my arms. If I am honest that dog really scared me, even though he looked so cute. And even though there is no one around me, I ask myself how the living hell can I still feel that someone is licking my feet? What the hell is going on?

„Abby? Abby? Abby, can you hear me?" someone shouts. I know this voice. It's familiar. I know this voice, but, who are you?

„Is there somebody?" I turn around but can't see anyone. How fucking frustrating! "Théo, come back this isn't funny anymore, it's going to rain!"

„Abby, wake up! Abby can you hear me? It's me Aiden! Wake up!" this Aiden shakes me, slaps me, shakes me again and lets some water drops fall of my face. I open my eyes and all my surrounding is blurred. My head hurts a bit and I'm really confused. I feel a light pressure on my arms. Where is my dog? Where am I?

„Aiden?" I whisper, not knowing why I'm whispering. Where is my voice?

„Yeah it's me. What happened, you screamed like someone hit you with a gun." This is weird.

„I did what?" I ask under my breath and look around and realize, this is my room? But?

„I don't know what's going on with you. Are you on your girly weeks?" he asks me and knits his eyebrows.

„What? No!" shake my hand and stand up, just to see that I must be falling asleep during reading, because my book is still on my belly. This is really weird. Have I been really this tired?

„Ok, well, now you survived and I saved you, I'll go back into my room." he says and goes backwards.

„Aiden, wait! What time is it?" Where the hell is my phone? I look down on my thighs and see: I still have my hot pants on. But? Didn't I change into jeans?

„I don't know something like 7 pm?" he answers, and shrugs. Is everything ok with that kid?

„What? This late! Wait, I think I'm a bit disconnected from this world. Did Martin take Penny to her date or did I dream this?" I ask and stand up, looking for my mobile. This can't be real, I was taking a walk with Théo. Oh yeah, Théo! "Oh where is Théo, Aiden?"

„Can you please stop talking so much? No, you didn't dream this. Martin really took Penny to her date, you went back to your room and said "No one disturbs me, I'm reading." so no-one disturbed you. But you disturbed me." I am sure I was sending Will a message right?

„Aiden, when did Penny leave?" And who was licking my feet?

„I don't know, something about 5 pm or something like this." 2 hours? Jesus, where the fucking hell is my phone?

„Aiden, did you, did you just lick my feet?" I crawl to the end of my bed and look under my bed. Where is my bag? It must be there!

„What?" his eyes widen in shock, "Your feet? Okay, something is really going crazy with you. Should I call mom?"

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