BBC Sherlock x reader one shot part 1

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Ugh, weddings are such a bore, you thought as you pulled on the (f/c) dress you had picked out for the occasion. You didn't much like having to dress up, but it was for your friend Mary's wedding and you wouldn't miss that for the world. She was one of your best friends and you were so happy she had finally found love.

You took a cab to the venue and were greeted by various friends who you had never met before but welcomed you graciously. You went into auto pilot greeting people when greeted, introducing yourself and making small talk. Everyone was always nice at weddings it seemed. You mostly went for the food and wine.

Finally it was only minutes before the wedding would start and you took your seat near the back of the church giving yourself easy access to and exit if you didn't enjoy the ceremony. You could always wait it out in the gardens.

The ceremony was fine. John seemed like a nice enough fellow and Mary was smiling through the whole thing, but one person caught your eye. It was that internet detective fellow Sherlock Holmes. He seemed taller on the internet. Maybe it was because John was so short. Still his looks were still just as good, maybe even better.

You attempted to stop yourself from ogling over the detective. Soon the ceremony was over and it was time for your favorite part, the reception. Well first the wedding pictures, then the reception. The photographer took what must have been a billion pictures. You ended up having to pose with Sherlock. "It'll be easy to sneak away after the reception, but not before or during," Sherlock whispered. "Uh?" You asked confused. "Obviously you're uncomfortable here, but you will do nearly anything for Mary because she is one of you're closest friends. You would never admit that," Sherlock went on to explain.

"So what they say about is true. You are an annoying prick," you whispered. The photographer waved his hand and you were dismissed. "Don't confuse annoyance with brilliance," Sherlock said as we walked away from the photographer. "I just tell it like it is, besides you're also slightly desperate and are on the look out for a man." "Maybe I am, but not here, I don't like to spoil people's special days with my own desires," you replied.

You walked away from Sherlock, but not before he manged to grab your arm. "Oi, let go," you said. "I find you interesting, besides, I'm not really one for weddings," Sherlock said. He leaned down and lightly kissed your knuckles. "Meet me outside the reception hall at eight," he whispered and walked away.

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