BBC Sherlock x read one shot part 2 *spoilers*

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Slowly the wedding dragged on and drama ensued. Someone was going to kill someone and Sherlock, John and Mary apparently saved him. Everything was so confusing, you didn't even know what a wedding was supposed to be any more. Eventually it came time for the dancing part. You didn't particularly like dancing, but you stayed to watch the newly wed Mr. and Mrs. Watson have their first dance.

Sherlock played them a lovely song (you had no idea he could play the violin). And then the awkward dancing ensued and you checked the time, 7:30, still a half an hour of playing the excited wedding guest part. Ugh you really wanted to leave.

Slowly minutes ticked by the you looked at the time on your phone. 7:34. Close enough. You left the building and made your way to the prearranged meeting spot. Sherlock wasn't there, but within a matter of minutes he had arrived on the scene.

"Good evening," you said cooly. "Evening," he replied. "So, why take me away from the every enticing reception?" You asked. "You and I both know that it was a bit dull and people were getting a bit drunk," Sherlock replied. "True, very true. So why are we out here?" You asked. "Obviously I was helping you to get away from the reception and I don't much like parties," Sherlock said.

"So are we just going to stand here awkwardly?" You questioned. "I suppose the normal thing to do is sit somewhere and chat for a bit, am I right?" Sherlock inquired. "I suppose. I don't normally meet strange men outside of wedding receptions," you said smiling. "Nor do I with strange women," Sherlock said.

You sat down on a garden bench and gestured for Sherlock to sit next to you. He strolled over and sat down, an inch of space between you and him due to the bench's small size. After a few seconds of awkward silence the two of you managed to strike up somewhat of a conversation that ended up lasting hours.

You looked back at the reception hall and saw that the lights had dimmed and there wasn't much commotion anymore. "I think I should go back and at least say goodbye to Mary and John," you said. "So should I," Sherlock replied. He stood up and offered his hand to you. You took it, smiling, as he helped you up.

"I'm about to do something rash," Sherlock said. "Go ahead then," you said. Sherlock then stepped forward, wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you passionately on the mouth. You reacted instinctively closing your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing back. After what seemed like ages the two of you broke apart. "(y/n) I'd appreciate if you didn't tell anyone about this," Sherlock said. "You have my word," you replied and the two of you headed back into the reception hall, you walking with a little more spring in your step.

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