Isaac The Fault in Our Stars x reader *request*

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All you ever did now was worry. You worried about school, you worried about your friends and you especially worried about Issac. He'd been one of your closest childhood friends until middle school when everything changed. Everyone who's ever been through middle school knows that you loose 90% of your friends, and that's exactly what happened. You lost Isaac. Sure you made new friends but Isaac wasn't one of them.

You had wanted to help him so many times when you heard about his cancer. You even sent him an anonymous card with well wishes. You didn't even know if he'd got it. You had to stop thinking about it though, he wasn't your friend anymore. He hung out with Augustus Waters who was one of the most popular guys and you sure weren't.

There was nothing more you wanted than to at least have a conversation with Issac to let him know that you still cared. You walked down the halls on a Thursday keeping your head low to avoid awkward eye contact with the people around you. It wasn't like you hated them all, it was just an uncomfortable experience to look at someone who didn't want to speak with you. As you were walking and not paying complete attention you bumped into someone taller than you.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry," you said looking up at the face of Augustus Waters. Your face went bright red and tried to hastily make an exit. "No it's fine, your (y/n) right?" He asked. "Oh yeah. I am," you said trying to end the conversation. "What are you so in a hurry for?" He questioned. "Nothing," you replied. "Okay then so can I ask you a question?" "Sure I guess." "You wouldn't happen to still have any interest in a one eyed hooligan?" Whoa whoa whoa wait? Was Augustus really asking you if you still liked Isaac? "Um maybe, but it doesn't matter, we haven't spoken in years," you said brushing it off. "How would you like to?" "I'd like that, yeah, but Isaac's probably forgotten about me anyway." "I wouldn't be so sure," Augustus said knowingly. "Meet me outside the cafeteria after school," and with that he walked past you and down the hall.

Now you were more confused than excited. Was it just going to be him? Why did some guy you'd never talked to before ask you about Isaac? Why would he even care? Why so many years later? You were just way too confused and distracted for the rest of the day, not really remembering what was being taught. Soon the day drew to a close and I was one of the first people to leave the class. You hurried down the hallways until you stopped at the doors to the cafeteria where a certain Mr.Waters was waiting.

"Uh hi," you said when you reached him. "Hello, come for a walk with me," he replied and began walking towards the doors. "Okay, but why? Sorry but I don't know you that well," you replied following him. "We need to talk," was all he replied with. You continued to walk with him through the crowded halls of the school and out of the building where you walked until you came to the local park. "Sit," Augustus said pointing to the bench. You sat still curious about what was going on. Augustus sat next to you and said, "I know about your's and Isaac's history," he said.

You just stared at him for a few seconds wondering how he knew anything. Surely Isaac didn't talk about us anymore. I didn't, not to my friends. "What about it?" You asked after a few seconds. "You guys were super close and I know you sent him the card and there's something else you should know," he answered. "How'd you know it was me? And what's so important that you pulled me outside after school without us having any prior conversations?" You said your curiosity growing. "I recognized your handwriting from the board at school, but well, you know how Isaac had eye cancer?" "Well yeah." "It came back and now it's in his other eye, so he's going to be blind," Augustus said looking at you to gauge your reaction.

You looked down at the ground by your feet and pondered over what he'd just said. God no. Isaac was going blind? Your worry for him rose to nearly overload. "Why didn't he tell me himself?" You whispered quietly. "He didn't want you to worry, he always said you worried too much, but I felt you had right to know," Augustus said placing his hand gently on your shoulder. "Can I talk to him sometime?" You asked. "I think he'd love that. I'll let him know," Augustus said. "Thank you so much, but I have to go, my parents will worry," you said and got up clutching your backpack strap tightly. "Alright, see you around," Augustus said.

With that you left and proceeded home to cry for hours. You hoped that Isaac would at least meet to talk. You hoped he would be alright. You hoped that even though he'd be blind he'd be able to cope. The next day you were sitting in the hallway on your free period going over chemistry notes when someone tapped you on the shoulder. You took your head phones out and looked up into the face of Isaac. "Hi," he said smiling at you. "Hey," you replied. "Can I sit with you?" He asked pointing to the floor next to you. "Yeah, sure," you said. He proceeded to sit next to you cross-legged. "I'll just get to the point. I know Gus told you about my cancer and I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in years..." he said trailing off.

You didn't say anything, all you did was wrap your arms around Isaac holding tight and trying not to cry. He didn't say anything else and hugged you back, gently running his fingers through your hair. "Why did you avoid me after elementary school?" You murmured into his chest. "I didn't want you to be concerned with my problems, pretty selfish I guess," Isaac said with a small laugh. "Pretty selfish?" You joked back lifting your head up to look into his eyes. "I missed you," you said. "So did I," he said and kissed you gently on the forehead. You were going to be with him to the end and you weren't going to let him go again.

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