♡ i won't let you fall ♡

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Alex cupped her hands around Maggie's face, her tan skin seeming to glow against the dim light of the bar. Maggie raised her eyebrows jokingly, her mouth stretching to a smirk. Alex could practically hear her voice in her head saying Danvers with mock disapproval. But Maggie leaned in and wove her fingers between dark strands of Alex's slick bob, and pushed her lips into Alex's. It was their first public kiss. Alex could feel the eyes of Kara press into her back, hot and questioning, but Alex couldn't stop. She couldn't stop her lips on Maggie's and her hands traveling across her back and her thighs. She couldn't stop until she realized Maggie was no longer in her arms and against her mouth, but on the ground. A glowing spearhead shaped thing was embedded itself into Maggie's shoulder. 

Alex cried out, dropping to the ground, feeling for a pulse. It was there, weak, but there. Alex felt tears streaked down her cheeks as she scooped Maggie's limp body into her arms spinning around to see every alien in the bar. Everyone seemed nearly as shocked and innocent as Alex, but no one nearly as unsafe and vulnerable. Alex screamed through the sobs, "Someone help!" She sunk back to the floor, burying herself into her knees, feeling her cries soak into her black jeans, and Maggie being lifted from her lap. She heard someone, it sounded like her sister, whisper her name far away, too far for Alex to fully register. And then she felt strong arms around her shoulders and under her knees, pulling her from the ground and into the air. When she looked up, she realized it was J'onn, soaring over national city, trailing behind a speeding Kara, who held the breathless body of Alex's girlfriend. 

Alex awoke to the constant hum of DEO computers and the relief filled face of Kara. "You're awake!" She cried, rushing to embrace her sister, who winced in pain, touching her shoulder, which was bandaged in gauze. 

"What happened to me?" Alex asked. All she could remember was Maggie on the ground and being in the air. 

"An alien tried to shoot Maggie with an alien spear head. We've already got the alien targeted, so don't worry about it, okay? It grazed your shoulder. You'll be fine. " Kara grabbed Alex's hand tightly but Alex realized she was pulling away before she knew what she was doing.

"And Maggie?" Alex's voice trembled when she thought of Maggie on the ground and how helpless she felt to know that there was nothing she could do.

"She's in pretty rough shape. She woke up this morning, but she's in a lot of pain. We had to bring her to the hospital last night after we removed the spearhead and she had surgery. You can go see her, if you want." Alex nodded, and climbed into the wheelchair that was waiting bedside. Her legs felt like they were a thousand tons, and her arm still felt like there were shocks going through it. She didn't remember the spear hitting her, but she had to believe it did. Kara wheeled her into Maggie's room, the one adjacent to hers. Maggie was sitting up, flinching in pain every time she moved a single inch. Alex started to melt, feeling so terrible for letting that happen to her.

"Maggie," Her voice cooed, whispering her name. It felt so natural, like she had been meant to say it.  

"Hey," Maggie said, turning to face her but cringing. She was topless, but her whole upper half was wrapped in white sterile bandages. Alex couldn't help but wish her arm was okay so she got to change them. 

Alex felt tears hot in the corners of her eyes. "I feel she guilty. I shouldn't have kissed you. If you weren't distracted this wouldn't have-"

Maggie interrupted Alex with just a single mocking look and small smirk that Alex had fallen for one too many times. "It was not your fault Alex. They would have hit me anyway. I'm just... i'm glad you're okay." Maggie smiled sweetly this time, without any joking undertone, the same expression she had when she told her she liked her. 

Alex motioned for Kara to heel her closer to Maggie and she obliged, leaving Alex parked right next to Maggie's hospital chair before meandering from the room. Alex knew Kara would spying on their conversation, but at this moment, she didn't care. Alex reached for Maggie's bony hand with her good arm, just cradling each of her of fingers inside her palm. 

They sit like that, quietly hurting, but somehow, quietly healing each others injuries. Alex breathes quietly, until words escape with the sound of her exhalation. "I really like you." 

Maggie smirks again, this time sweetness is curled into the edges. "I don't." She laughs almost inaudibly. 

Alex starts to turn to Maggie but she opens her mouth again. "I love you." 

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