The Creation of Katie

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"Kat? What are you doing?"

I freeze, my hand hovering over the door handle to the room. 

"Sneaking in, or out?'

Groaning, I place my head on the door with a small thud.

"I cant lie to you..." I turn my head to look into their eyes, "a super spy."

I drop my head back to the door again. Natasha Romanoff pats me on the back sympathetically, but I swear I hear her laugh under her breath. I turn to face her and glare at her meaningful grin.

"I take that as 'out' then?"

"Yes...but not in the way youre thinking!"

Natasha winks. We start to make our way down the corridor.

"So what happened then?  I can tell if you lie, you really are an awful liar." I swear, she almost sounds disappointed for me and my lack of lying ability.

I'm sorry I was born with a saintly face and a heart of gold! 

"Truth is, I'm not sure."

Nat stops, looking utterly perplexed by my words. In black widow terms: she raises one perfect eyebrow.

"not sure? How can you not know?"

"I guess I kinda passed out.." 

A flicker of anger bursts in Natasha's eyes.

"That Maximoff boy! How dare he, when I get my hands..."

"Nat! No! I passed out in my own room, Pietro didn't do anything. He's not like that."

"Yeah well... I just want you to be safe." She diverts her eyes to the side, embarrassed.

"AWH Nat! You do care!" I pull her into a hug, feeling her struggle before accepting her fate.

Eventually I pull away, bopping her on the nose. 

"You do have a heart, tin man!"

"Yeah alright, Dorothy, but this isn't Kansas no more."

"You like the 'Wizard of Oz' as well!" I gasp, dramtically clutching my chest over my heart.

Natasha rolls her eyes before strutting off. I giggle, setting off into a light jog to catch up.

"You love me..." I sing.

Nat grumbles.

"What was that? Louder please Romanoff!"

"I love you Sheridan." She says, sighing loudly, never breaking her stride.

"Hey! Share the love!" Sam Wilsons deep voice whines.

Sam stands in front of us, In a sports shirt and joggers. His smiles cheekily at us.

"Sup, pigeon!" I grin up at him. Why is everyone so tall round here? Sam shakes his head, sarcastically annoyed.


"Pigeon." I retort.





"Pigeon." Sam answers quickly, not realising my previous utterance.

"Ha!" I point at him, catching him out "you admit it!"

"What? How-" Sam frowns, confused.

"You called yourself pigeon." Nat filing her nails.

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