Chapter IV: [Breakfast With Mom, Part 1]

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Chapter IV: [Breakfast With Mom, Part 1]

[Len's POV]:

|Current Time:
A day before the classes start in VCA,
August 31, Sunday Morning|

"What the-?" I said in shock, I look up from my bed and to see my mom frowning with about 5 maids behind her.

She was unfortunately the one who ended my gaming session and was also holding my PSP on her right hand.

I know I'll play it cool so she won't question and just calm down before her mood becomes the worst thing imaginable.

"What?" I questioned, believe it or not it was laced with fake innocence.

She was silent as though she was very composed and there was no sign of anger except if you looked at her eyes.

Which was also unfortunately glaring daggers at me as of the moment.

I forced a smile but when I did her left eye twitched in annoyance.

Am I that annoying?

".....'what' is that all your going to say young man?" She questioned raising her voice a little.

Maybe pretending like I don't know what she's talking about will help.

Oh right I forgot, I don't even know in the first place why she's mad.

"What?" I tried to feign innocence again.

"Unbelievable!, I called you more than 46 times and I sent 5 maids to come get you more than 15 times already and they mostly came individually" she said angrily.

I'm sure she's just over exaggerating it.

But the look on her face...... pretty much contradicted what I was thinking.

Oh God she's already fuming, I guess acting cool won't work on her this time.

And who counts how many times you call a person?

Well that would be mom for sure.

"I swear I did not hear you at all!" I sat up from bed and was in a sitting position then holding both my arms up.

As if to show that I was caught red handded.

"How can you not hear if your wearing that thing of yours?' She pointed at the headphones I'm using.

Oh now that makes sense.

"Okay, I'm sorry okay, I'm so sorry I didn't hear you call me mom" I tried not to roll my eyes while saying that.

"You don't sound sorry, or are you even really sorry?" she asked with a brow raised.

Is she going to seriously ask me that  .

"Of course mom, I'm very sorry" I forced a smile,.

And it seems like she's not buying it at all.

Mom rolled her eyes, she turned her heel and walked out to the direction out of my room.

When she reached the door she said without looking at me.

"And prepare for tomorrow, it's the start of school and that will be your first day and first year in high school"

She walked out completely with the maids following her out and the last one closed the door.

Why did she come here for?

Wait did she bring my PSP with her?

I looked around my bed, its nowhere.

I looked under, the side, everywhere in my room.

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