A Simple Bullying Speech

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The world is a place full of evil and that evil spreads. So many things bring about cruel turnings in the world. War, Hate, Death, Jealousy and so many others happen, but let’s focus on one thing that happens so often in the world we overlook it a lot.


As I posted before, I’ve been a victim of bullying since first grade. I know all about what people go through.

Bullying, in my own words, is the victimizing of an individual to bring them down so one feels better about ones’ self.

I’ve seen the effects of bullying first hand and for quite some time, I was one of those people that stood by and did nothing. That all changed when one of my friends who I knew through the foster system started to get bullied. He was bullied for one of the same reasons I was. We were both foster children at the time.

We would always hear comments like “Hey, look who it is. The worthless kids that no parents wanted or what is a matter, mommy and daddy die because of you being pathetic.” We heard it all. It drove him to the point of actually ending his life because he thought no one cared for him. I tried to stop him. I cared for him as a friend and really wanted to help, but I failed. That still haunts me to this day. This happened twice more. I’m still affected by it.

I’ve been determined ever since that happened to change my life and stand up for people against bullying.

One of the best quotes I’ve ever heard was “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you’ve chosen the side of the oppressor. –Desmond Tutu” It is so true. I see too many people that are getting bullied and pushed around for things. Too often people just stand by and do nothing. I think it is time to change that!


I’ve read comments from lots of different people. People that have had these things happen to them. I want to help everyone I can and let them know they have a friend in me. I will be there for them to talk with them and give them a pep talk. They may not know me, but I don’t want that to be a burden.

I want someone to be able to talk to me or anyone else and share their thoughts. No one wants to see someone they love dearly end their life.

Bullying is a vicious thing that causes so many bad things to happen to the kindest and gentlest of people. Everyone has feelings and remember words actually do hurt.


Examples of bullying that we see DAILY!

1: People being judged for being a different race. This is wrong ON SO MANY LEVELS! We are all humans and yes we are different, but WE ARE ONE PEOPLE!

2: People being judged for being gay, Trans, bi, straight, and so many other things. Are they any different than us? NO. They are people who just love someone of the same gender or opposite gender. That’s who they love and WE SHOULDN’T GET INVOLVED WITH THAT. It’s not our right to say anything. We get to love who we want. Why can’t they?

3: People being judged because of their religion. I can’t tell you any many times I was bullied because of this or heard someone else being bullied because of it. You believe what you believe. Don’t let ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE.

4: People who are judged because of appearance. I don’t even need to say anything with this because we all know.

5: People who are judged because of their music tastes. Yes, this is true. I know several friends who have had this happen. Apparently, according to what they’ve heard, music defines who you are and that made them, well ya.

6: People being judged because their adopted, orphaned or been in the foster system. I don’t need to explain. This speaks for itself.

7: People are judged because they ‘lack’ humor, fun, or emotion. Yep. This is the case with a lot of people.

These are just examples of everyday bullying that happens. Seriously, I think we need to look at ourselves and see who we are. A quote that helps with this idea is “Who are we as human beings, if we ignore the suffering of others.-unknown”

We can make the world a better place by being the change we want to see. I’m ready to begin a campaign to end this or at least try. 

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