Redemption and Action

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Where in the grand scheme of things have we learned to do such awful things to others?

We are the generation that needs redemption and a power to change. A redemption that we can give our kids and the next generation after and so on. We need it desperately and we need it now. An accepting redemption that will last and live on

A gift that we can give to all. Redeeming Love and Trust. A true love that brings people together and overcomes the greatest of challenges. A love that inspires others to live, laugh and follow their dreams. Everyone deserves a chance or two to do something amazing. What can we do to achieve this? Only time will tell because that and the fear of failing are the greatest enemies we have.

We can't let these fears rule us. It makes us feel bad, look bad and makes us out to be failures in the eyes of others. They stop us from hoping. We seem like the worst of people during these situations and we don't want to see the light because we failed. So what if you failed? At least you tried and that is better than not trying at all.

We can only hope to better the world by trying instead of not trying. Once a spark is lit; it is hard to put unless it is needed. Who knows what the world will be like once we act. I see a better everything once we learn to do such things, but that requires one MASSIVE THING. The ability to trust that everything will go as planned and trust in yourself and others.

As I've said before in my little trust speech, that is one of the key things missing from this world. A feeling of being trustworthy or finding others to be trustworthy. A feeling of being able to share, speak, stop and help.

The ability of wanting to be there and knowing you can be there. An understanding that no matter what happens, you won't back away from someone. That is trust. Knowing you can share your heart with someone. That is trust. Being able to share with someone your deepest darkest secrets is a sign of trust. Being there as a friend or being there as family. That is trust. There are so many more things that I could add to trust.  If we need trust, why is it so hard to trust? It is something called Forgotten Trust. (This is a term that was used when I was in the foster system and talked with social workers. It is just one of their terms.)

Forgotten Trust is the lost connection of being able to bond or the feeling of not knowing if someone will believe anything you say or vice-versa. This leads people to severe depression. Feelings of nothingness and total loss of hope. People tend to get bullied or become bullies because of this.

This causes so many things to happen like cutting, anxiety and in quite a few cases. Death. What can you do? OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AROUND. We never see the results of such things because we are so blinded by society and ourselves to notice half the time. Not everyone is like that though and there are people who reach out. That is humanity. That is action.

Hoping it doesn't happen is not action. Speaking up and being a friend IS ACTION. Reaching out to someone is ACTION. The ACTION to prove that we can make a difference. An ACTION that we can be there for someone who needs it. An ACTION to be a friend. An ACTION to support someone and guide them toward an amazing future. an ACTION to save someone's life.

I want to live my life like this. I will be there for people who need it. I will stick up people who need it. I will change the world.

My own quote - "Live life like you're prepared to save someone who is ready to die. Be the spark of change that the world needs. Trust it and you will succeed."

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