Equality (Wailan and Cody)

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Wailan's P.O.V.

Well, I knew this topic was going to be one of the things I wanted to talk about.

Where I do stand is always a question I get asked. My response is always ‘huh?’ and the person will reply “Are you for or against gay marriage?”.

I’M STRAIGHT AND I’M 100% FOR GAY MARRIAGE! I’m all for the equality of someone loving who they want to love. I see signs of equality issues every single freaking day and I absolutely dislike it. I have friends who dislike it and aren’t afraid to say so. I have friends who are all for it and some who are in the middle. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I should respect it. It is what I’ve been taught growing up. Not everyone shares the same opinion as you or me.

It doesn’t mean I can’t argue or fight for someone else’s personal beliefs or mine. I am all for equality. Everyone deserves the freedom to be who they want and love who they want. I’m willing to fight for my friends who are gay, bi, trans, straight and more. They are human beings and they have feelings as well. One of the things that truly irks my bubbles are the religious ones.

I’m Christian and I’ll admit it right here and now. I’m proud of that fact and I’m proud that I support EQUALITY. I’ve been bullied for this statement right here BY FELLOW CHRISTIANS! I mean really? It’s not your freaking business what I do. I know a lot of my friends that I have, are this way. I don’t debate with a lot of friends on this because so many tell me I’m wrong or I shouldn’t believe it.

One of the greatest things we can show as humans is acceptance. The acceptances to be who you want. The acceptance to show that you care for how someone lives. The acceptance of being there for someone when they come out. Everyone has their own values, but be a little more accepting if something like this happens. It could ruin you or the person. Little do people realize that their actions really do speak louder than words and those words actually affect how people think on everything. Words and actions can lead to depression, hiding away or even suicide.

One of my friends who I knew from being in the foster system was gay. He truly believed that no one wanted to be around him for that simple fact. I tried my best as a friend to be there and support, but I was too late and he killed himself by jumping off a bridge. I wasn’t there enough I felt like. I could have saved him and it haunts me still to this day.

This is what happens when you can’t love someone for being who they are. I grew with my grandparents and they taught me three of the most important life lessons that I will ever know.

“Be open and willing to embrace someone.”

“Be accepting to everyone because we’re all different.”

“Don’t ever put your opinion above someone else’s because that makes you look like a dick.”

The last one is exactly true and I had to learn that for so long.

Embracing who we are as humans and learning to accept will be one of the greatest things we can ever do. It really can help to change the world. The only thing about change is that it doesn’t happen overnight and there are those that oppose what I believe. That shouldn’t deter anyone especially me. I WILL HELP FIGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOMS AND BELIEFS BECAUSE THEY ARE PERFECT LIKE YOU. It’s worth it because we’re all different.

There is nothing wrong with being gay, bi, straight, trans or anything! You are perfect and you will have a supporter in me!! I'll watch your back! I will never judge you at all!


Cody's P.O.V.

As a gay man who realized at an early age that I was attracted to guys, life was…let’s say a bit bumpy. AS a gay man living in the south, well I think you know where I’m going with this. Although, disclaimer, not everyone in the south acts like the stereotypical homophobe who thinks that all gays are out to take their sexuality and force our will upon their puny minds…where was I going with this? Oh yeah. There have been supportive people in my life and there will continue to be, but for the sake of this. I’m going to focus on the not so supportive groups.

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