Chapter 18

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I watched Asgore and Undyne collect as much of Asriel dust as possible and scoop it into a highly detailed urn. Then after their crying spree came to a stop they walked over to me and Toriel picked up my body. As she left the Throne Room I looked back to see Asgore, headed out right behind us, walking out with the urn. I was staring right at Toriel but she just stared straight through me. Toriel took a long creepy case of stairs down and there layed a giant coffin with a huge shiny red heart on it that took up nearly half of the coffins lid. I assumed that this coffin wasn't originally built for me... kinda scary. Together they opened it up and slowly set me in there. I looked up into their sad faces. They set flowers around my body and they moved my bodies hands hold some as well. They were Buttercups. God, I hate Buttercups. Then I looked at the coffin and realized I took up about a quarter of the coffin. I was small compared to this. Then they carefully placed Asriel's remains at the base of the coffin. Then with one last tear, one last nod, and one last glance at my goat parents, they closed the coffin lid and I heard a click, I was locked in here, in the darkness with nobody to comfort me.

~a year later~

I sat there staring into darkness. I lifted my hand and quickly lashed it forward and magiclly threw a red ghostly knife and it just phased threw the wall of my coffin. That's the only "fun" thing I'm able to do in this damned hell of a coffin. Since the day Asriel died, my black ghostly tears stained my face and now I permanently have black ooze marks under my eyes and mouth, I only knew because the ooze wasn't like markers it was like have glue permanently running down your face but stayed in the same place. I'm sure if I could see myself I would look like a true demon of death.

I've been a ghost for so long I figured out how to control my new magic. I could do all sorts of things like, I could attack with ghostly knives that appear out of thin air and slashes things at my will... I'm not sure how affective they are without having a physical monster for a target but I assume probably not too powerful. I can also appear as a visible shadow to the living but only for a limited amount of time, I get seriously exhausted after though. I really can be a demon if I tried!

But today I heard something I haven't heard in a very very long time. Yelling. Screaming. And not the terrified kind, whoever it was... was pissed off. Then the voice cracked and I heard a slap or crack that rang through the castle. I didn't flinch because that kind of stuff didn't really scare me to much. I didn't know who it was until I heard someone thunder down the stairs and the latch on Asriel and my coffin unlocked for the first time in a year. Then I saw it. Or her. It was mo- hm... Toriel. She look so scared and sad.

She quickly but very carefully picked up my body leaving Asriel's urn behind and she slammed the the coffin door down not even bothering to lock it again. Before the coffin room slipped out of view I saw one other coffin beside ours, it had a giant deep blue heart on it. Odd, I could tell it wasn't empty. Tears slid down her face as she ran up the stairs again and out the castle door.

For the first time in a while I saw something other than darkness, but I saw my body for the first time in a year. My body was decayed and my bones were showing but still somewhat covered in sagged pale greenish skin, while my old sweater and and other clothes looked still as they did a years ago, green with one yellow stripe with small sticky Buttercup seeds all over. I looked disgusting and fragile. I cringed at the sight of my own body but Toriel held me tight anyways and ran through the city.

The monsters who were on the streets screamed out and ran into their homes. They cleared a path for her even if they were horrified. They were either terrified of Toriel, their queen, was running away from the castle or my dead body horrified them. She ran through Hotland, more monsters screamed out. Ran through Waterfall, barely any monsters screamed because most were in their homes already. And Snowdin were everyone just stared in horror instead of screaming. I turned my head just in time to see a flash of blue light and a skeleton with black pants evaporate into thin air. Sans. Such an odd creature I know. I wondered if anyone could see my ghost trailing right next to my body.

Then I turned forward and saw the gigantic purple door. I remembered the first time I saw the Underground. Asriel and I held hands through the frozen cold and he propped the door open with a stick so we could get back through. The memory oozed black down out of my eye and strolled down my cheeks. Then she snapped me back to reality when she slammed the closed door behind her and locked it. It was eerily silent.

Then she went upstairs and I saw home for the first time in a year. It was covered in cobwebs. I could tell they must have moved to live in the castle or something because it was obvious nobody had lived there for awhile now. She paused but for only a few minutes. She caught her breath and then walked elegantly out of the house. She walked along the Ruins and a couple of monsters followed her, their heads low. Do they sense emotion? Can they tell Toriel is upset, I wondered.

Then after about an hour of walking she stopped at a dead end, in a semi-closed off cave with a beautiful bright beam of light channeling from the top of the cave. This is where my story began... Is this where my story ends too? I remember how I fell down...

I was freezing up slowly. I cursed myself, the people of the village, and my mother most of all. I hated everyone in that village. My lips were blue and the blizzard wasn't showing any signs of stopping. The higher up the mountain I went the colder I became. With every step it started to feel of one thousand blades stabbing at my feet. Looking at my hands and seeing how purple and swollen they looked horrified me. My old ragged brown sweater was matted out with snow and water.

I slipped into an old frozen river that flowed down the mountain and the ice covering it broke and I fell in. The frozen water petrified me and when I got out, my hair was almost completely frozen. I was surprised I hadn't fallen to the ground to let death come and collect my frozen body but then... then I found it. The huge hold in the ground covered in icicles and jagged rocks. They sharp objects stuck out in every direction. I couldn't see the bottom. I was telling myself aloud then that I was going to destroy myself, it was better than existing here.

Eventually it became to much... And I bit my bitterly frozen lips and jumped into the deep dark abyss of nothingness below.

I felt everything as if it were in slow motion. I felt my knife in my pocket move a little and from there, slammed headfirst into the grey barren rocky ground blow.

Then my story played out from there...

When I came back from my flashback I noticed my body was laying down in a freshly dug six foot hole. Toriel was talking aloud to herself, "Time for you to get a proper burial. Without that backstabbing miserable Asgore." A tear slipped down her check as she set my body into the hole very carefully so bones wouldn't fall apart. Since my body is still the most determined person down here and I'm still attached to my body, I was stuck in that hole too. I wanted to hug her but I couldn't. I was trying to become visible but for some odd reason it wasn't working. Why didn't I master that magic before now! I struggled to escape my body's arua but I couldn't. I panicked, I wanted to talk to someone so badly and I wanted to tell her sorry. I wanted to tell her everything will be fine.

She was using magic to fill the hole but before she filled it completely she looked at my yellow and green striped sweater my body still had on and she noticed the Buttercup flower seeds stuck on my clothes. She smiles and said aloud, "Guess what, my child! I will grow a flower bed over your grave. This may be your final resting spot but I will make sure you will not be forgotten... by me at least. These seeds will still grow even though their old... so I'll be sure to come by everyday and water your flowers." I smiled up at her even though she didn't see it. I wanted to tell her I couldn't wait to see the flowers fully grown but first off she couldn't hear me and second off I wouldn't be able to see them anyways. I sighed as my hole was filled again and I thrown back to the darkness. I sighed. I missed Asriel's remains as company already.

~a few days later~

I felt every time she watered my grave. Eventually I saw all the seeds on my sweater turn into vines that trailed up to the top of my grave. Though I couldn't see the flowers themselves I knew it had to be beautiful. It was sad down in my grave without Asriel by my side all the time, but the feeling of Toriel's presents filled my soul with a tiny amount of determination, my soul was no longer black, it was a dull red, like back in the beginning. I hoped one day I could regain all of my determination back but dull red is progress. I smiled maybe things in this void aren't so bad.

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