good morning

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I'm so happy you all want me to continue this 😂💙

Paul's p.o.v

I woke up to one of my favorite smells... coffee. It wasn't necessary for me to look around to realize Patryk had left the bed, I was sprawled out across the entire thing with a limb stuck out in each corner of the mattress. Oops... I probably kicked and rolled all over him.. wow great job Paul.

I found my way into the kitchen with my feet, my eyesight still blurry from having my face smashed into a pillow all night. Or at least I hope it was a pillow.

The cloudiness slowly faded and I was greeted by Patryk who was bent over the stove making eggs. His perfect locks where tied up in a little bun, his pajamas where wrinkle-less. How is that possible.

Smiling and full of energy, he set a plate of sizzling eggs and sausage in front of me and himself. He's like a little house wife... shit that's cute..

Now I have never crushed on a guy before, so I had no idea what was going on. I felt like I was on the brink of a heart attack at all times around him, and I had only just met the guy.

"Thank you so much.. seriously this is too nice!" I laughed, glancing down at my plate. I stared at it for about ten seconds, then blurted "Poland."

"How did you know?! Did my accent give it away? I didn't think it was that strong hmm.." he sputtered.

"Oh, no I just.. well as a guy who loves food I've learned to tell where the guys are from by what food they bring to parties."

Pat let out an amused laugh, "My my, that's some interesting talent ya got there."

We went on, laughing and eating, happy as could be. I'd never felt like this before. It almost felt.. like I had escaped this gruff old base...

"OH" Pat jumped from his chair, grabbed our plates, slammed them into the sink, and threw himself into the bedroom. Scaring the crap out of me.

Seconds later, his head popped out from around the corner and answered my scrambled thoughts, "WE'RE LATE AS F*CK"

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