Chapter 5: Getting to know each other

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Aiden tossed and turned in his bed. ''What was I thinking!'' He growled quietly. ''Now they'll see what I do for a living! And if Aisha says a joke, she'll hear my laugh... I freakin hate my laugh! What do I do, What do I do, WHAT DO I DOOOOOOOOOOOO!'' Scott groaned and sat up in his bed. ''I don't know.'' He said sarcasticly. ''Maybe you can SHUT UP AND GO TO BED!'' Scott got a pillow and covered his head with it.

Aiden growled. ''You know what.'' He said. ''You're really not a big help.'' ''So what.'' Scott groaned in his pillow. ''Go to bed you stupid, ugly, annoying...'' Aiden yanked the pillow out of Scott's hands. He glared down at him. ''Oh, so we're gonna call each other horrible names now, huh? Well, bring it, bring it on brother!'' Scott glared at him also. ''Ok, let's go you son of a...'' Aiden smaked him. Vinnie looked at him, mouth open wide. ''Uh!'' He said, offended. ''I am heart broken!'' He flopped on his bed and began to cry.

Aiden blinked for a momment, but he then sat next to the sobbing Scott. ''Look,'' He said. ''I'm sorry I punched you.'' Scott looked up at him. ''Really?'' ''Really.'' Scott smiled. ''Come here and give me a hug.'' He said. The two hugged each other. Suddenly, Scott kicked Aiden in the balls. Aiden groaned in pain. Scott covered up in bed. ''Now go to bed, I'm tired.'' Aiden fell to the ground, groaning in pain.


''So I was thinking,'' Eric said. ''That we could get to understand each other better.'' Everyone nodded. ''So, Summer, Scott, you two will hang out with each other to get to know each other. Amanda, Micheal, you two will too. And Aiden and Aisha, you two will also.'' Aiden looked at Aisha and blushed. Aisha smiled and held his hand. ''Let's go!'' She said and led him out the door.

Aiden was extreamly suprised and almost yelped as Aisha ran out the door holding his hand. Aisha grinned. ''So,'' She said. ''Where do you wanna go first, Dawson?'' Aiden gulped and thought for a momment. There could be the Cafeteria. No, it was always too loud. Or maybe he could go to his and Scott's room. No way. He did not want to see his embarrassing posters. ''Well,'' He said, still a little nervous. ''How about we go... to... uh... y-your room. Yeah.'' Aisha smiled. ''All righty! Let's go!'' Again, she suprised Aiden by grabbing his hand and running.

Aisha led Aiden into her and Emily's room. Aiden looked around. ''Wow.'' He said, suprised. For a brash, tomboyish girl, she really kept things clean. ''It's very... tidy.'' Aisha grinned. ''Ahh, I may be Boyish, but I'm still neat.'' Aiden nodded, beliving every word she said. Funny really, when your friends with 7 other people who aren't as shy and cowardly as you. When one is a tidy neat freak, one is a diva, one is very hyper, one is very sensitive, one is very, VERY, stupid and dumb, and one is funny and extreamly beautiful.

wait a minute! Aiden thought to himself. did I just call Aisha... beautiful? ''So how about I show you something?'' Aiden snapped out of his thoughts. ''Oh... uh... o-ok.'' He sat on the couch while Aisha got her laptop and tossed it on her bed literally tossed it, Aiden whimpered. ''be careful!'' He said, fearing that the Laptop might hit her head might go up and smake the innocent girl in the face. Some how, it hit Aiden in the face

''I'm so sorry, Aiden!'' She cried. '' Here, i'll wipe all that blood off.'' Aiden was confused. ''What?'' He touched his nose and looked at his hand. His eyes widen when he saw the blood. ''AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHH!'' He screamed with terror. He ran around screaming. ''I'M GOING TO DIE!'' He screamed. Aisha grabbed him smaked him in the face. He began to calm down. ''Listen to me,'' Aisha said calmly. ''It's just a bloody nose, and you're not going to die. Understood?'' Aiden nodded. ''Good. No more freaking out.'' Aiden nodded. ''Good.'' She let go of him.

Aiden smiled. ''I hope you dont mind if I ask but why you have two of the same necklaces.'' Aisha's smile faded. "One of these use to belong to my older sister, before she died, She died when I was 10 and she was 13. I started wearing her necklace since then." Aiden held her hand, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked, and I'm sorry for your loss," "It's ok we just learned to move on, she was everything I looked up to, this is why I am who I am today."

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