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"Hi, my name's Scott. Do you remember the story about cowardly shy boy, a tomboyish girl, a geeky loser, a hyper freak, a hidious diva monster, a beautiful girl, and a sexy, awesome dude who had a six pack and muscles and had the sexiest butt the world has ever seen? Well, now that story will continue, with romance, danger, humor, awesomeness, and..."

Micheal: Scott, who are you talking to?

Scott: Nobody! now go away!

"Scott Patterson!" Eric scolded. "You had been in the bathroom for 2 hours! I need to take a bath and you're hogging up the bathroom by playing with your imaginary friend!" "Hey!" Scott snapped. "Groovey is real!" "JUST GET OUT OF THE FLIPPING BATHROOM!" "NO!" "You are being ridiculous Scott." Aiden said. "No! you're being ridiculous by saying Groovey isn't real."

Aiden sighed. "I'm gonna have to kick down the door, ain't I?" "Yep." Eric said. Aiden backed up. He ran up to the door and kicked it down as hard as he could. it didn't break... but it did feel like it broke his foot. "OW!" Aiden cried in pain. "OW OW OW OW OWWWWWWW!" "AIDEN'S A WEREWOLF!" "SHUT UP SCOTT!"

"Get out of my way!" Summer snapped. She got a key out of her pocket and unlocked the bathroom door. Scott stood there. he giggled nervously. "Hey." "Guys!" Emily ran up to them. "Guys! it's starting!"

The graduations are being passed out. Everyone's eyes widen and they ran off to diffrent rooms to change into their outfits.

Hours later at the graduation

Aiden and Scott sat next to each other, there were so many other people at the graduation. None of them could see the other 6 of the group. Scott kept scratching his butt. Aiden glared at him. "Scott," He quietly snapped. "Stop digging for gold in your a-hole." Scott glared at him. "But it itches!" He snapped quietly. "I mean seriously, it's like a boot just got shoved up right in my..." "SHHHHH!" Aiden and Scott were shushed by the students.

the graduation continued.

Scott sat down and stopped itching.

"Eric Shean."

Aiden and Scott clapped and cheered as Eric came up. Eric took a bow and walked off stage. Mr Harris looked at his list. "Emily Hale" Aiden clapped while Scott booed. Aiden smaked him in the back of the head. Emily took her diploma and walked fashionably off stage. "Amanda Clark."Amanda went on the stage. She cheered and danced. She took her diploma and did ran off stage. "Summer Cruz." Vinnie cheered more than anyone else.

Summer walked on stage, crying tears of joy. She took her diploma and ran off stage, so happy. "Aisha Parker." Aiden cheered loudly. Aisha walked on stage and took her diploma. She looked in the crowd to see Aiden. He blew her a kiss. She blew one back. She walked off stage.

Scott was sweating like a dog. He was the dumbest kid in college, and even he knew that. "Scott Patterson." "YES!" Scott cheered as he jumped up and down. "YEEEEEEEESSSSSS! IN YO FACES SUCKA!" He ran on stage and took his diploma. He did dance moves. As he did a move, he tripped over the stage and fell. Everyone gasped. there was silence.

"I'm ok." Scott said, he was in a random guy's arms. "Sorry random dude." He said. "Wait a minute!" The guy said. "You're the dude you spit a chewed up cookie in my hand!" "... you remember that?" "Yes!" Scott shoved him away and ran off. The guy ran after him.

"Ok..." Mr Harris said. "Anyways... Aiden Dawson." Aiden did something he never did before. He jumped up from his seat and danced like nobody's business. He cheered. "Oh yeah! uh huh! it's my birthday! Not really! But who cares? Cause I passed! Oh yeah!"

he ran up on stage and took his diploma and danced like a maniac! "Yes! Yes! Mom! Dad! I made you proud of your boy! Mom Your baby did something with his life! Dad! I passed college! I hope you proud of me!" He ran off stage and continued to dance as he ran off. "Micheal Quentin." Micheal pounced off his seat and ran on the stage yelling  "WOOOHOOH!" then he jumped offer the stage cheering on and on.


The graduation was finally over, turns out everyone passed! Everyone was especially shocked that Scott passed.

Aiden searched for his friends. He gently passed through people he barley knew. "Hey, guys!" He called out, walking towards them, Aiden turned around to be kissed by Aisha. Aiden's eyes were wide, but he closed his eyes and kissed back deeply.

He held her by her waist as she put her arms around his neck. Aiden slightly tried to tongue her, but she shoved him away and smirked. "Not until we're married." Aiden chuckled and held her closer. "Whatever you desire my love."

"Oh Aiden I love you sooooo much! mwa mwa mwa!" The couple looked to see Scott, who was pretending to be Aiden and Aisha. Scott was pretending they were tonguing each other. "Mwa mwa llll llllll..." Aiden smacked him in the back of the head.

"Stop ruffhousing you two." Emily scolded. "We all passed." Everyone cheered, knowing Emily was right. "You know what," Eric said. "We should celebrate." "where's the party?" Scott asked. "Your house." Everyone said. Scott blinked and shook his head. "No way!" He snapped. "I ain't goin to let you guys trash at my place just because..." Summer shut him up by kissing him. Scott blinked as they parted.

"On second thought!" He said. "Let's party hardy!" Everyone cheered.

At Scott's house.


You should be dancin

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!



"Wow Scott, this is a great party." Scott nodded. "Yeah. it s pretty great... even if it is just the eight of us."

"Trinity!" Amanda cheered, lifting up her glass. The others raised up theirs also. "We can be who we wanna be!" Everyone cheered

"To Trinity."  Everyone said.

The gang drank their beer, and continued celebrating.

The book is over, I know it's a pretty short book but hope you guys enjoyed it. Stay tuned for more books

AyshaWonderland xoxo

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