How Does That Human Song Go? Over The River and Through The Woods...

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Author's note: Hello! Thank you, all of you who have read this far! This story has been long in planning, and it is finally starting to come together. Thank you again for supporting this story. Now, onto the chapter, we go!

For being injured yesterday, she was fast.

I followed the canine's tail, not to sure where I was going. She could probably scent who or whatever was in the trap. I just hoped she wouldn't run us right into one.

I slowed to climb over a log that she had lept over easily. When I looked up, she was gone.

Dang demon. Where'd you go?

"Hello?" a voice called from somewhere ahead. "Is anyone there?"

It sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. There was a faint accent to it- whoever it was, they rolled their r's in a soft trill.

"Hello?" they called again. "Oh... nice doggy... oh, no... hey there...please don't kill me..."

Well, it sounded like Cassandra had found them. I carefully made my way towards the voice.

I peeked through the trees and was astounded by what I found. Pinned to a tree by one of the spears was another angel, with black hair that covered his face; I couldn't recognize him. He was flapping his unpunctured right wing, the left firmly stuck to the maple behind him by the covets - the most dangerous part, as it was where all of the bones and arteries are. A considerable sized pool of golden blood was beneath him, and his flapping seemed to be making it worse. He was defiantly hurt- badly. He held a spear in his hand and had it pointed out in defense. In front of him was Cassandra, who was snarling viciously.

"Who the hell are you?" she was saying.

It was then I recognized who was the unfortunate being speared to the tree.

"Ezekiel!" I called, stepping out from my cover.

"Michael?" He looked up, his dove gray eyes lighting up as he recognized me. "Thank God, you're here!" He gestured to Cassandra. "Do you realize this place is crawling with demons?"

"I've noticed, yes. But Cassandra is an ally."

Ezekiel's eyes went wide. "An alliance... with demons. You're kidding. They'll just stab you in the back while you're sleeping!"

Cassandra lifted her head. "I can speak for myself, thank you. And if we were intending to kill anyone, you would not be alive right now."

I swung out my arms in an exasperated gesture. "I know it seems wrong, but I think that getting you off the tree is more important, Ezekiel."

He stiffened as he looked back at the wing. "I don't know how I got into this situation, nor how to get out."

Cassandra shifted back into her usual form. "May I look? I apologize, this is my trap, but you do need to get out."

Ezekiel looked uncertain, but nodded, casting an odd look at me. Cassandra approached and began looking at the wound.

Are you certain we can trust her?

No, but they claim to have left Hell and to be changed for the better.

'They'? You mean there's more than one? What have you got us into?

Honestly? I don't know.

"Well, there's bad news and worse news. The bad news is, I think a bone is broken. Worse news, I have no idea how to get this thing out." Cassandra said, coming out from behind Ezekiel.

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