Chilled Legacy XI

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A/N: Update is a bit late. I got sick...What a way to start 2017
Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter! And Happy 2017!


Chilled Legacy XI

It was midnight, but he was wide awake. Somehow he never stopped to wonder about why no one had ever said a thing to McGonagall about him not staying in his dormitory at night. Draco guessed the Slytherins viewed it as a bonus anyway. They didn't want him there, and he'd rather sleep with the thundering roar outside than with them anyway.
Slughorn had brought it up in one of their conversations, but after joining the Slug Club the man probably thought it best if his only singer avoided detention.
Regardless, the room of requirements adjusted to being soundproof. Sensing Draco's annoyance, it changed back. The storm grew louder and it became soundproof again.

"Fine. So I didn't outgrow it."

Now all that was missing was it being anxiety-proof.

Draco had run into Blaise on his way here. He'd begun to see that his former friend's fury went much deeper than that simple fight they'd had over the summer.
After he caught Pansy cheating on him with Blaise when he paid her a visit, Draco had laughed in Zabini's face. He told them both they weren't even worth the effort of revenge, hurting him in the best place he could—his pride.

It was evident he had it coming, but there was something more. He could see it behind the twisted smile when he told—ordered—Draco to breakup with Astoria.

That was the last straw for him. The look of triumph Blaise had given him after Draco told him to go to hell had sent his pulse rising to an unhealthy level. In all honesty he wouldn't be surprised if everyone knew his secret tomorrow, but somehow that didn't sound like what Blaise wanted. Not yet.

Draco sat his books down on the reading table. No bed had appeared this time. If he'd thought of one there was no chance he could've resisted crawling in, but he had to stay awake.

The light above the table brightened as he took a deep breath and opened his old family records.

There was nothing. Nothing new, that is.
Same old family tree, all the way down to the to the last traceable arranged marriage.
He thought about packing up and going to Arendelle again, but with the trio and McGonagall watching him like hawks, those chances were long gone. Everyone would notice the snow stopped at his absence.
Hands shaking, he threw the book against the. The pictures inside protested.

"We can't help you if you rip us to shreds!" a voice called from inside.

Draco grabbed the book again, finding the page.

Andromeda Tonks stared back at him. He'd never actually seen a picture of her before. The one back at home was blackened, left with nothing but the name as indication of her existence.

"Help me?"

Andromeda smiled kindly. "Yes, Draco. What is it you seek?"

She looked so much like Bellatrix that it was hard to believe she could offer genuine help. Had it not been for the kindness in her eyes and the sincerity in her voice, Draco would've shut the book again.

"The ruler of Arendelle. Are they in here?"

The hissing murmurs coming from the other pictures became instantly silent. Andromeda's eyes were wide. In a blink of an eye, she was gone. So much for helping.
If anything, this meant he was looking in the right place. Draco almost hit himself. How had he not tried it before?

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