Chilled Legacy XVIII

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A/N: Okay so my plan was to work super hard while on vacation, but then I realized traveling makes you not want to work because you're constantly doing something. I'm finally home, I was visiting the states. Shout out to my American readers. Y'all have really big grocery stores, just something I noticed.

Anyway, here's the month-late chapter. Super sorry. Already started working on the new one. Don't kill me. 

Chilled Legacy XVIII

All had gone quiet and cold inside him, like the inside of a cooler room. He was reminded mere days ago when Luna had found him bleeding on the floor and given him her strange fur coat, snapping Draco out of his trance. Now he was in another trance, a strange mixture of the adrenaline pumping through him when he'd attacked Blaise and the anaesthetized sensation of sitting in the still coldness with Luna.

The wind had stopped and the flakes fell slowly now.

He looked around at the castle. Completely covered in frost, coated in several feet of unmelting snow. For once he didn't feel chilly. Nor did he care that he'd frozen the highlands of Scotland. Draco's chest felt strangely cold, colder than the air around him, but his only concern now was getting the hell out of there before his head was hacked off.
That was the only feeling the curse let him feel—fear followed by self-preservation. It was that feeling that told him to move though his emotions and senses felt like they'd been drifting at the bottom of the frozen lake for too long, unable to twitch an inch to the left of the right, overcome by hypothermia.

A soft groan echoed just in front of him over the silent, horrified crowd.

Blond locks nearly the same shade as his were sprawled across the ground. Draco's eyes slowly followed their source to the most ridiculous frilly green dress he'd ever seen, like a bush dangling uncut grass.
The hair covered the girl's face, but he didn't need to see it to know. He'd shaken his head and smiled when he first saw the dress at the ball, but Draco wasn't smiling now.

There was a thud in his chest like a picaxe chipping away at the ice blanketing the lake, trying to reach the warmer bottom. It was light. Barely effective.

Then Draco shook his head and blinked, a much louder thud stopping the air from entering his lungs momentarily. The name of the girl finally came to him, as if someone had blown away the fog in his vision.

"Luna," Draco said softly.

Another thud.

"Luna," he said much louder.

Suddenly Draco was on the floor, clutching her unconscious body to his chest, thoughts of incoming danger scattered. Each intake of breath was another thud to the chest.

His fingers brushed the hair out of her eyes and he began to shake her slightly.

"Luna. Luna, no. I'm sorry. Merlin—Luna wake up! I'm so sorry, please."

Her body was shaking like a lone kitten left in the rain, and Draco could see the frost spreading on her lips. The nearly-white blonde hair was turning lighter strand by strand.

Still, her eyes fluttered open.

"Stay with me Luna, don't fall asleep," he told her, not entirely sure how being awake would help. "It was an accident, I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I didn't mean it, Luna."

"I... it's...I'm c-cold," was all she managed.

He felt tears stream down his face, but his throat was dry. The coldness in his chest had traversed like a river to his eyes, splattering on his friend's face.

Chilled Legacyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें