1-2-17 hiya!

18 3 12

Woah, it's been a long time since I've updated this thing! A whole year...


Besides that horribly overused joke here's what's happened while I haven't updated

-Christmas (I GOT A TELESCOPE!!!)

-New Years (yesterday)

And as well as the holidays, this stuff has also existed

-being attacked by a dog in my neighborhood, fun!

-mothers car was robbed, they didn't get much money but still sucks

-went to my friend's house for New Years, she stole my phone...twice...

-my (homophobic) aunt came over. She's sleeping in the other room!

-my oma (German for grandmother, for those of you that don't know) is in the hospital.

-I got a new phone!!!!

-I got into yuri on ice, I'm actually watching episode 11 now (and may I say, I only added this in here because SOME PEOPLE *cough*Alex*cough*Liar*cough* desided to SPAM ME!)

Wow, I didn't realize how much went on in my life...


Have a great day/night yah dorks!


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