boy or girl? 2-?-17

19 3 0

My favorite "are you a girl or boy?" Moments

- at Wal-Mart my mom made me go back and get a cart. So the lady at the front asked my mom "so that's your grandson?"

- hanging out under a bridge and a dude asking if I was male or female, then getting really worried if I was offended

- a guy asked me if I was a boy or girl, my response "yes" he confused

-  a person asked my friend if I was her little brother....*sighs*

-  this happened today, so apparently on Friday, when I wasn't here, the girls had an assembly, so my teacher was handing out papers to the girls and I wasn't given one. After ten minutes she looked at me and told me to get my paper out.

Me: you didn't give me one

Her: you should have done it in class on Friday

Me: weren't the girls at an assembly though?

Her: yes, why?

Me: I wasn't here...and I'm a girl

She just said "oh" and gave me a paper, but i could tell she was so embarrassed

That's all I can think of now, I just wanted to make a chapter before I went back to he-I mean home

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