Part 7

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Third Person POV

Rick Grimes watches as his two children fall to the floor, both bleeding from their stomachs. He cries out unsure of what to do until he looks at Shane who picks up a less bleeding Carl from the floor.

Rick looks to his daughter distraught only thinking of picking her up. Suddenly a man emerges from behind the trees.

"A farm, there's a man. Hershel, he'll help the kids" the man manages to say.

"Where? Where!" Rick demands desperation taking over his voice as tears glaze over his eyes.

The man points forwards and that's all it takes for Rick and Shane to run towards an opening out of the woods.

In the distance a farm is seen, a White House comes up with a barn off to the right of it.

Rick and Shane reposition the two unconscious children in their arms and run towards the gate. As they near the gate Rick takes no time in unlocking it and running towards the house.

"Are they bit?" An older man known as Hershel Greene steps onto the porch.

"Shot. By your man. He said to find Hershel is that you?" Rick asks quickly. Hershel nods at the distraught man and ushers him and his partner inside. "Please save them"

"I'll do my best, lay them in here" Hershel says as the two men place the children on the bed.

Rick steps back Shane next to him as they check Carl's wounds first. "It went straight through. Patricia will stitch him up. He'll be sore for a day or two but should be up in a couple hours" Hershel says giving Patricia the necessary tools.

Hershel bites his lip in concentration as he moves over to Alex's unconscious body. He lifts up her shirt to expose her wound only and as he checks he realizes the bullet broke into eight fragments.

"She's okay too, right? She's okay?" The desperate father that is Rick Grimes asks.

Hershel sighs and looks over at the helpless father, wiping his hands with a rag he turns to Rick. "The deer and her brother slowed the bullet down, but it broke into eight pieces. It might've hit an artery. Now I can try to take them out, but she's going to need blood. What's her blood type?" Hershel explains, and then asks the father.

"She, she has a rare blood type. Um...O negative. I don't know how but neither Lori or I have it. God, Lori...She doesn't know. M-My wife doesn't know" Rick cries wiping his face. In doing so blood from his daughter spreads across his face.

"I'll go get her. You said they're in the woods? Heading to he highway. While I'm there I'll try and see if anyone has the blood type. I'll be fast" Hershel's eldest daughter Maggie says before running to one of her horses and riding into the woods.

Maggie's directs her horse and they zoom off in the direction of the highway. The young women comes across another women being attacked by a walker and she takes her bat and swings it right at it hitting it away.

"Lori? Lori Grimes?" Maggie calls looking at an unfamiliar group.

"That's me" Lori makes her way through the crowd. All her worries coming to the surface as she looks at the woman on the horse.

"You need to come quick. Alex and Carl were shot, Alex's not doing so well" Maggie states sadly.

Daryl Dixon listens to the woman a hurt expression across his face as he hears Alex was shot along with Carl. He wanted to do something, anything to help, but he couldn't let the group see him weak. "Woah, Woah woah, we don't know this girl. You cant get on that horse!" He shouts.

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