Ana Amari x Reader - Congratulations Are In Order

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You walked around the base, blue tight military uniform on and several medals decorating it in golds and coppers. You were a lean, but toned, soldier who had only recently joined the Gibraltar base in Spain, but you had quickly risen through the ranks with your skill as part of the offense as an Overwatch agent. As soon as you had joined, all eyes and expectations were on you, agents had high standards of your skills, and you were eager to impress. You were currently making your way to the shooting range, there's no point in wasting your talent after all, so not to waste any more time, you sped your footsteps through the metallic base; H/C hair flowing behind you with your movement and footsteps clanging loudly on the hard floor.

When you had made it to the range you saw two agents practicing their marksmanship with pistols on some targets; one a middle aged agent with blondish hair and piercing blue eyes and another, a girl in her mid twenties with red short hair and vibrant green eyes. They were far apart from each other at either end of the range so you decided to take the middle. You rolled your sleeves up until they bunched at the elbow and you removed your beret so that you could tie your hair up in a ponytail. With a serious expression you picked up a pistol and aimed it at the still target, poised and ready to shoot. As soon as the klaxon rung you unloaded six consecutive bullets into the targets head, so much so it nearly tore the paper apart. You reloaded and furrowed your eyebrows to get back into concentration of your aim; you always were too serious, the agents would say.

As you got ready to shoot the dummy again, static rung through the range from the tannoy megaphone in the right corner of the room, which eventually cleared into a monotonous voice.

"Would Agent Y/L/N please see Captain Amari at her office please..." The announcer stated dryly, before the static cleared back to silence.

You gave a long sigh and put your gun back down carefully in its place. You didn't like having one on one confrontations with the captain, she intimidated you with her authoritative aura and harsh glances, the only time her face softened was when she was with her daughter Fareeha, but not only did she intimidate you, worse yet you had crushed on her ever since you laid eyes on her. Her soft tanned caramel skin drove you wild along with her plump rosy lips which you were begging to feel against your own. Her long silky black hair which trailed behind her when she made an appearance like a superhero would, you were craving to slip your fingers through her hair, to hold and pull on it. You wanted to gaze into her warm brown eyes as she ate you out, staring deep into them and at her sexy eye tattoo. What you would give to run your hands all over her body and to taste her is unimaginable.

You were hesitant but decided to stop wasting your captains time, so moved out of the shooting range and walked past countless halls. Why did the captain call you? Were you in trouble? Was it something about a mission? The more you thought about what the captain wanted, the more nervous you got, until eventually you were stood outside her office door. From all your worrying, you forgot to tidy your uniform, so hastily put your sleeves back down and your beret on. You cautiously knocked on her door and waited.

"Come in" you heard faintly from the other side of the door

You slowly opened the door to see your captain looking out of a window, posed like the strong warrior she is with her hands folded behind her back. She stood straighter than a ruler (amusing to you, as you were sure she too was straight) and remained silent and vigilant, looking at agents wondering outside of the base.

You stood there awkwardly but in the same position as hers. You decided to gather your courage and speak to the quiet Egyptian goddess that is your captain.

"Y..You called captain?" You asked unsure, trying to keep your eyes away from the captains toned and tight fitting posterior

"Yes Agent Y/L/N, I'd like to talk about your progress here at Overwatch" She turned around abruptly to face you, face as blank as a slate. She pulled out her chair and sat down on it, facing you. You could feel yourself slowly start to sweat.

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