Angela "Mercy" Ziegler x Reader - Sexual Healing

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You sat on top of the cool metal slab, hands grabbing the edge and legs swinging back and forth like a petulant child, a small pout on your lips. Mercy was looking at you with scorn, like an adult would a child who'd gotten their clothes dirty when playing, except you had scratches and bruises all over you from the most recent mission you were sent on.

You sighed and looked up into pools of deep blue that were both filled with concern and anger, "It's not that bad Angela, honestly I've been hit with worse before" you stared intently into her eyes, which was an achievement in itself as you found her stare intimidating, the blue piercing your soul.

"No Y/N, it's not alright, you took more hits zhan any ozher ally on zhe field" Mercy grumbled, as she dabbed a piece of cotton wool in some rubbing alcohol. She dabbed at the scrapes on your face, making you hiss and tense from the pain, closing one eye from the uncomfortable feel of your wounds disinfecting.

"It got us our victory in the end" You grinned like the mischievous kid you still were, after all, who likes growing up?

Mercy gave you an icy glare that made you shiver and you quickly drop the grin, opting to just remain quiet for the mean time.

"Liebling, you know I hate vhen you get hurt" She frowned, cleaning away some dirt that had been flinged over you during the match. Her eyes held a sadness that you felt guilty about and her frown didn't help either. Whenever Mercy felt sad or responsible for what happens to you on the field, you too can't help but feel bad.

You grabbed both her hands away from your face and held them in your palms, so that they covered her hands in yours. Mercy looked up at you, having been looking down from the guilt she had of not protecting you better and seeing you hurt.

"Sweetheart, it's not your fault, it's a match, with enemies, I'm bound to get hurt anyway" You said, trying to make her see that these things happen

"Vell, kould you get less hurt?" She asked unsure, playing with your fingers and deciding to intertwine them together. Your hands fit perfectly which made a tiny, but nevertheless, still sad smile appear on her face.

You gave a huge smile to try and cheer her up and pulled her closer to your form, "Anything for you babe, you have my word" Mercy was now pressed in between your legs, so you took the opportunity to wrap your strong arms around her waist and kiss her cheek.

This time she gave a genuine smile and closed her eyes when you kissed her cheek. She opened them again to stare at you full of love "Fank you, liebling" she whispered warmly and played with the baby hairs in the back of your neck.

You purred softly and stroked the base of her spine with one hand

"I'm sorry for making you sad" You mumbled when you rested your head against her chest.

She pulled you closer to her chest so that you rested your head comfortably, deciding to stroke through your knotted hair "I'm sorry I vas so strict, I just don't vant to lose you" she murmured, her chin rubbing softly on your scalp, then she raised her head

"How about I make it up to you?" you inquired softly, still resting on her chest

"And how vould you do zat" she asked curiously, staring into blank space

You smirked and rubbed your hand slowly up the back of her suit "I have a few ideas" you answered cheekily

"Oh no you don't, you need rest, to recover from your vounds" she pulled away quickly, looking at you intensely

You whined and outstretched your arms to seek the Swiss medic's warmth. She kindly moved back, continuing with her task of brushing your hair with her fingers.

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